omniran ecsg 1 OmniRAN EC SG October 4 th, 2013 Conference Call Max Riegel (OmniRAN SG Chair)
omniran ecsg 2 Meeting Friday, October 4 th, 2013, 09:00-11:00 AM ET Conference Call: Call-in number: 1-(972) (US) Global numbers: Conference Code: # WebEX Meeting Number: Meeting Password: omniRAN NZjk4NmY4ZDUy &PW= NZjk4NmY4ZDUy
omniran ecsg 3 Guidelines for IEEE-SA Meetings l All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws. l Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims. l Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions. l Relative costs, including licensing costs of essential patent claims, of different technical approaches may be discussed in standards development meetings. l Technical considerations remain primary focus l Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets. l Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation. l Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object If you have questions, contact the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee Administrator at or visit See IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause and “Promoting Competition and Innovation: What You Need to Know about the IEEE Standards Association's Antitrust and Competition Policy” for more details. This slide set is available at
omniran ecsg 4 Resources – URLs Link to IEEE Disclosure of Affiliation – Links to IEEE Antitrust Guidelines – guidelines.pdf guidelines.pdf Link to IEEE Code of Ethics – _ethics.htmlhttp:// _ethics.html Link to IEEE Patent Policy – slideset.ppt slideset.ppt
omniran ecsg 5 Meeting Etiquette IEEE 802 is a world-wide professional technical organization Meetings are to be conducted in an orderly and professional manner in accordance with the policies and procedures governed by the organization. Individuals are to address the “technical” content of the subject under consideration and refrain from making “personal” comments to or about the presenter.
omniran ecsg 6 LMSC Operations Manual 4.3 Study groups Study group operation Progress of each Study Group shall be presented at the closing Sponsor meeting of each IEEE 802 LMSC plenary session by the appropriate WG, TAG, or ECSG Chair. Study Groups may elect officers other than the Chair, if necessary, and will follow the general operating procedures for WGs specified in the IEEE 802 LMSC WG P&P. Because of the limited time duration of a Study Group, no letter ballots are permitted Voting at study group meetings Any person attending a Study Group meeting may vote on all motions (including recommending approval of a PAR). A vote is carried by 75% of those present and voting “Approve” or “Disapprove.”
omniran ecsg 7 OmniRAN Schedule until November 2013 Wed, Sep 4 th, 2013, F2F Meeting York, UK w/ remote participation Tue, Sep 17 th, am ET/ Nanjing, F2F session w/ remote participation Fri, Sep 27 th, 2013, 09-11am ET: Confcall Fri, Oct 4 th, 2013, 09-11am ET: Confcall Thu, Oct 10 th, 2013, 09-11am ET: Confcall Fri, Oct 11 th, 2013, CoB: Submission deadline for PAR to EC list Nov 10 th -15 th, 2013, 802 Plenary Session in Dallas, TX –Mon, Nov 11 th, am CT: EC Opening Meeting –OmniRAN Meetings Tues, Nov 12 th, PM1; Wed, Nov 13 th, AM1, PM1; Thur, Nov 14 th, AM1 –Fri, Nov 15 th, pm CT: EC Closing Meeting
omniran ecsg 8 Agenda Friday, October 4th, 09:00–11:00am ET Approval of minutes Reports PAR & 5C text review Approval of PAR & 5C text Plan for November F2F session AOB Adjourn
omniran ecsg 9 Business#1 Call Meeting to Order –Meeting called to order by chair at 09:07am ET Secretary position –remains open Appointment of recording secretary: –Juan Carlos will take minutes Roll Call NameAffiliationNameAffiliation Max RiegelNSN Juan Carlos ZunigaInterdigital Antonio de la OlivaUC3M Yonggang FangZTE Behcet SarikayaHuawei Paul CongdonTALLAC Networks
omniran ecsg 10 Business #2 Approval of agenda –Antonio asking for base of discussions on PAR & 5C Chair explained that omniran contains agreed result of last meeting with revision marks removed for clarity. Revision marks and inputs of commenters are available in omniran –Discussion about agenda item ‘Approval of PAR & 5C text’ Chair explained that agenda item was tentatively added to allow for approval in this call for the case that SG concludes comment resolution and discussions. –Agenda approved without objections Approval of minutes –September 27 th conference call teleconference.docx ecsg-meeting-minutes-for-september teleconference.docx Minutes approved without objections Reports –Liaison response from 3GPP SA2 Group agreed that input will be forwarded to the project creating the Recommended Practice. –Presentation of OmniRAN SDN use case to ONF in ONF Member Workday, October 10–11, 2013 / Location: Westin San Francisco Airport (ONF Members only event*) Sanity check with Nader; if NEC not presenting, NSN will present based on omniran ecsg –Juan Carlos assigned co-chair of intarea WG With his deep involvement in IETF matters, Juan Carlos will provide list of potentially interested people and groups in IETF PAR & 5C text review
omniran ecsg 11 Motion The EC SG approves the PAR & 5C text as given in omniran provided that no material comments are raised on this document on the omniran mailing list until Tuesday, Oct 8 th EOB. –When no comments are raised, the conference call on Thursday, Oct 10 th will be canceled. MovedPaul Congdon, TALLAC Networks SecondedJuan Carlos Zuniga, Interdigital Motion carries with 6/0/0
omniran ecsg 12 Business #3 Approval of PAR & 5C text –Text contained in omniran conditionally approved by study group for submission to EC see previous slide Plan for November F2F session –4 meetings on Tue PM1, Wed AM1 & PM1, Thu AM1 –if necessary, ad-hoc meeting on Tue EVE after SDN tutorial communications to WGs on Wed AM2 –Agenda proposal Attendance recording, secretary Approval of minutes Reports Comment resolution and responses on PAR & 5C comments Presentation to closing EC meeting Conditional extension of OmniRAN EC SG Technical presentations on OmniRAN related matters AOB Adjourn –SG agrees with plans for November F2F session. AOB –Repetition of reports on ONF presentation and improved relation to IETF for participants who joined late. Adjourn –Meeting adjourned at 11:15am ET