Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry By: Mildred Taylor Elements of a story By: Zara Akhter
Protagonists The protagonists are: Cassie: Traits that explain her are: brave, stubborn and outgoing Stacey, Christopher-John and Clayton Chester (little man) Mama, Papa and big Ma Uncle Hammer Mr. Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Avery Mr. & Mrs. Berry Jeremy Sims
Antagonists The antagonists are: The Sims traits that explain them are prejudice, greedy and they like to trick people Mr. Granger The Wallaces Ted Grimes (the bus driver) Mr. & Mrs. Barrent
Victims of their own desires T.j Avery He was a victim because he wanted to go with the Sims boys. He could have left, but he didn’t so, he got hurt physically by the Sims boys. Some traits that explain him are sly, easygoing and easily tricked.
The setting and time The place this story took place was Mississippi. Cities in Mississippi are Vicksburg and Strawberry. It was 1933 after the Civil War so African-Americans had freedom but not respect.
Problem There were 2 major problems in this novel. One was that the kids did not know about the “real” world and how they would be discriminated. The second one was the land, they were fighting to keep and pay off their land. The land was a statement for the Logan family that said “we are African-American we have land and we are proud.”
Foreshadowing The foreshadowing in this novel Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry are: When T.j. walks into the Logan House holding his stomach in the middle of the night.
Events That go along with the problems: The kids are at Strawberry at Mr. Barnett's store and he was helping them then a white customer comes and he stops helping them and helps the other person instead Mr. Granger threatens that he will try to take back the land.
Solution There actually was not a visible solution you had to dig down deep to find it, because T.j dying is not a solution. In my perception the solution was when all the people working together to put out the fire . Black helping white, white helping black. But your perception might be different.
Climax. The climax is when T.j. comes in holding his stomach shortly before everyone goes to the Avery’s house.
I hope you enjoyed my presentation! By: Zara Akhter Thank You I hope you enjoyed my presentation! By: Zara Akhter Book used: Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry. Book By: Mildred Taylor