5.7 Meditation
Do Now What do you think of when you hear the word meditate? Have you ever meditated? Did you try the one I gave you in B to B class? Did you feel meditative when we were doing yoga back in October?
Is this how you picture it?this
What is Meditation? Meditation is practice in relaxation, concentration and awareness. Depending on the type of meditation it can be described a variety of ways. Essentially, it involves relaxation, awareness of breathing, quieting of the thoughts, concentration and focus on one idea or object, and ultimately a state called contemplation.
Why Meditate? Recently, studies have shown that meditation has a positive impact on overall health and greatly reduces stress. Specifically, meditation can help with: muscle tension-immune system blood pressure-PMS oxygen use-exercise tolerance
How can I meditate? You might think that you are too busy to meditate or that your house is too loud. Anyone can meditate anywhere at any time. You can meditate on the bus, at your desk, on the living room floor, even while walking or washing dishes. All you have to do is try to quiet your thoughts, be aware of your breathing, and focus on one word or thing.
More Explanation One author explains how meditation can work for high school students on her website.website
Let’s Try One Counting breaths, picturing horses galloping through a sunny meadow, using a mantra (aaaaahlriiighteeeee thennnnnnnn), or using the guided meditation from Thich Nhat Han that we looked at in B-B are all examples of meditations you can use. We are going to try one now. Which would you like to use?
How do you feel now? Do you feel more awake? Maybe more calm? Do your muscles feel different? Was it hard to block out your thoughts?
Homework The visualization we read on-line might not be your idea of the most peaceful place. For me, a meadow can conjure up images of bug bites and itchy grass allergies, but watching the sun set over the beach while listening to the waves is just right. You are going to write your own visualization based on the one from Susan Kramer.
Ticket Out On your ticket out, write the following: 1. a question about meditation; 2. a new thing you learned; 3. an idea for the setting of your visualization.