INTERTANKO Tanker Event (Dubai: March 2004) Chris Horrocks Secretary General International Shipping Federation
UN International Labour Organization (ILO) Established in 1919 Geneva-based Tripartite (governments, employers, workers) voting rights Working and Living Conditions and Social Affairs
ILO Maritime Programme Unique within ILO Governments, ISF(shipowners), ITF (seafarers) 40 conventions (31 in force), 25 recommendations
Coverage of ILO Maritime Conventions Medical Examinations Minimum Age Social Security Hours of Work Repatriation Crew Accommodation Employment Contracts Manning Agents Sickness and Injury plus e.g. Freedom of Association
BUT Rather Poor Level of Ratification hence: ILO Convention 147 (Minimum Standards) Substantial equivalence Port State Control
ILO Convention 147 Generally successful, but: Difficult to enforce (PSC) Growing internationalisation of fleet (flag, seafarers) No counterpart to SOLAS, MARPOL, etc. Growing criticism from unions Need for common maritime labour standards
Consolidated Maritime Labour Convention ISF/ITF Agreement Supported by Governments Massive project (equivalent of combining SOLAS, MARPOL, STCW, LL, COLREGs etc.) Intensive programme ( )
Structure of new Convention: Minimum requirements for seafarers to work on board Employment terms and conditions Social conditions (accommodation, recreational facilities, food and catering) Health protection, medical care, welfare, social protection Compliance and enforcement mechanisms
Critical Areas Consolidation and updating but not rewriting Social protection (role of flag state, country of residence) Crew accommodation Enforcement Ability to ratify
Will it work? Commitment on all sides Grand vision But: Success will depend on acceptance rate by both flag and port states
Other ILO Issues: Seafarers’ ID (ILO Convention 185) ILO Minimum Wage Crew Claims Abandonment of Seafarers
Chris Horrocks 12 Carthusian Street London EC1M 6EZ Telephone: Fax: Website: