1 Building the Privacy culture, starts with the youngsters and their education 20 th and 21 st June 2013 Zagreb, Croatia.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Building the Privacy culture, starts with the youngsters and their education 20 th and 21 st June 2013 Zagreb, Croatia

2 PREVENTIVE ROLE OF THE DIRECTORATE: To raise awareness of the citizens for protection of the privacy and personal data as one of the fundamental rights

3 We always start from…. The legal framework for personal data protection and responsibilities of the Macedonian DPA and The Strategy for personal data protection in Republic of Macedonia 2012 – 2016, where our activities are determinate in order to Strengthen the awareness for the need for privacy protection of the citizens, controllers and processors of personal data Fortify the institutional protection of personal data by the Directorate for Personal Data Protection Answer the questions which are our priorities Lead us to the results that we want to achieve Help us to define the best approach for realization of our oaths

We face many dangers and possible abuses of right on personal data protection, in a present situation of advanced technology, various high- developed forms of communication and exchange of information! Out of 385 complaints submitted to the Directorate for Personal Data Protection in 2012, 207 were referred to the misuse of personal data on social networks! The misuse of the advanced technology and forms of communication, which can result in serious injury to the security and confidentiality of personal data, often "affects" the youth population, as the most frequent user of the pointed opportunities and services!

What we done, what was our action?? We prepare and submitted project proposal for IPA found, for achieving a higher level of knowledge on the right to privacy and awareness for personal data protection among primary and secondary students

EU funded project, IPA 2009, FwC “ Sustainable system for continuous primary and secondary education for principles of personal data protection” Launched on 11 th March 2013 Duration 12 months Implemented by IBF International Consulting – Brussels

Project Objective: -to assist the process of developing and implementing of the sustainable system for continuous education for Personal Data Protection in the frame of the primary and secondary education in the country, in line with the best practices of the European Union Member States Specific Objective: -to assist the DPDP in the process of drafting of data protection educational materials that will be used by the students and teachers/professors in the primary and secondary education. The assignment will also support the development of an efficient mechanism for awareness raising in the educational system regarding the Personal data protection as one of the EU values and fundamental human rights.

The project activities are defined in 2 components: 1 - Preparation of the materials and documents on the right for Personal Data Protection for the educational purposes in the primary, secondary education 2 - Awareness raising and trainings of the teachers / professors in the educational system in the country for the protection of the personal data

In order to reach the project goals, DPDP established close cooperation with the Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Macedonia and Bureau for development of education. Through such comprehensive approach, all the prerequisites for introducing the right to privacy in the teaching curricula of the schools shall be fulfilled.

Results that are expected:  Teaching programs on selected subject for the primary and secondary schools prepared  Educational material for selected subjects prepared  Strengthening the public awareness of the primary and secondary school teachers on the personal data protection  Strengthening the position of the DPDP and awareness on its competences by the participants within the educational process  Implementation of teaching programs and materials for all selected subjects in 10 pilot schools.

OUTPUTS FROM THE PROJECT -Assessment of the inclusion of the issue of the Personal Data protection in the educational system -Analysis Report on the state of play in the area of education with comparative experience from EU and beyond -Training materials and Brochure - Research on the awareness of the teachers and professors on the right of personal data protection containing research techniques and time-table; sample of 400 teachers.

OUTPUTS FROM THE PROJECT -Trainings and workshops for the teachers and professors -10 pilot schools ( 5 primary + 5 secondary) where the educational materials for data protection will became internal part of several educational programs in different subjects - Promotional events, National conference

Because we have the aim to establish the level of awareness, knowledge of teachers for the right to privacy with particular reference to security and confidentiality of personal data To prepare the teachers to recognize the abuse of this right of pupils in the everyday use of social networks Skilled teachers who can impart knowledge, information about possible abuses, potential threats to the privacy of students in on line everyday living Teachers who can help if someone's right threatened and abused

IPA REGIONAL COOPERATION DPA from Western Balkan Countries Project Identification Sheet

Beneficiaries GARANTE – Italian Data protection authority Directorate for Personal Data Protection, Macedonia; Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency; Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection, Serbia; Data Protection Commissioner, Albania; Agency for Personal Data Protection, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Agency for Personal Data Protection, Kosovo; Agency for Personal Data Protection, Montenegro;

Project purpose: To enhance and increase data protection and information exchanging systems in order to promote the implementation of a data protection architecture according to EU standards and to improve the flow of information exchange, as well as ensuring timely/suitable access to data necessary to detect, prevent and investigate criminal activities. Augmenting regional cooperation in the field of personal data protection by establishing mechanisms for exchanging of information and intelligence and communication technology which respect the principles of personal data protection.

EXPECTED RESULTS 1.Strengthened capacities of the Data Protection Authorities from Western Balkan; 2.Improved regional cooperation among national authorities for personal data protection in Western Balkans. in order to raise and enhance the level of data protection; 3.Established network for joint inspection and other common activities of the Balkan DPA’s; 4.Improved exchange level of relevant information through usage of modern communication technology which provides protection of personal data;

1.Alignment of national legislations with EU legislation for personal data protection; 2.Increased level of data protection and raised awareness of the police authorities for principles of personal data protection

Thank you for your attention

Directorate for Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Macedonia Dimitar Gjeorgjievski, Director Elizabeta Nedanovska, Head of the Unit for International cooperation and Public Relations Goce Delcev Skopje Republic of Macedonia Tel/Fax: