Working With PowerPoint Create a PowerPoint folder. This is where you can save all your PowerPoint presentations –Store any pictures, video, or audio you link to your PowerPoints in this folder –This is necessary so they will play properly on a computer other than your own. –ALWAYS SAVE MULTIMEDIA FOR PRESENTATIONS IN THE FOLDER or you could be embarrassed someday!!!!
Adding Sound Decide if you want to record your file in PowerPoint or use your own prerecorded file. To record your own: –Click: Insert > Movies & Sounds > Record File Record your file To use a prerecorded file: –Click: Insert > Movies & Sounds > Sound From File Browse for the file you wish to insert This icon will appear in the middle of the slide: Move it where you want it to appear
Animating Sounds After you have inserted your sound: ] –Click: Slide Show>Custom Animations –Click: Sound Icon –From the “Trigger: Media PullDown” Choose: “Effect Options” You can choose many different options about how you would like your sound file to play. Take a minute and play around with it
Adding Video Power Point accepts: – Most likely to play:.avi,.mpg,.mpeg, and.wmv Click: Insert > Movies & Sound > Movie From File –Browse in your PowerPoint folder for your movie –Click OK –Choose: When Clicked, NOT Automatic You can change the size and position of your video as necessary. For Further reference see:
Adding Animations to Bullets You can do this two ways: –A–Animation Schemes (applies to the whole slide) –C–Custom Animations (applies to selected text/bullets) Using Animation Schemes –C–Click: Slide Show > Animation Schemes Animation Schemes Panel will open –T–Test the different schemes and see which one you would like to apply. If you would like this scheme on all of your slides: Click “Apply to all slides”
Adding Animations to Bullets Working with Custom Animations –Click: Slide Show > Custom Animation Custom Animation Panel will open Select the bullet or text you want to animate by highlighting it. –Click: Add Effect Tab –Choose which effect you want for: Entrance, Exit, Emphasis or Motion Path of your text Not all are necessary, but play with it for a few minutes –To Delete an Effect: Click: Number of the effect you wish to remove. Click: Remove in the Custom Animation Pane
Example I like appetizers. youlike appetizers?Do
Example Who lik fast food?es es.He do
The Body is A Container of Emotions. Negative Feelings Positive Feelings In Despair Down in the Dumps In Love
Locations as Containers She is IN The United States.
Locations as Containers She is IN the United States. Chicago She is flying INTO Chicago.
Homework for Monday. Students: Please listen to the following sentences and draw a picture for each one that shows your understanding of the difference between: IN vs. INTO. –Example 1: –Example 2: –Example 3: –Example 4:
“Wh” Question Formation I like fast food. Do you like fast food? What kind of fast food do you like? Which fast food restaurant do you go like?