Embedding Education Within Games Overview Main Topics Development Future Work to be conducted Conclusion
Context Games stereotypically seen as for trivial fun only Parents see it as getting in the way of education But can games provide education? Both curriculum based, such as Maths, and social learning, such as teamwork skills?
Overview Aims to provide findings on how gaming can prove educational Whether games can provide social learning skills Whether this can be beneficial Whether production of a mod would help these findings
Research Approach Look at others research – i.e. James Paul Gee with his learning principles. Also research around behavioural learning theory and cognitive learning theory. Look at different learning pedagogies – Heeter and Winn.
Practical Research Production of a testing scheme for evaluating what children learn from games. Results from the testing scheme. Possibility for extending work by development of a mod.
Evaluation of Methods Needs extensive research conducted on an appropriate age group. Needs a valid and strong testing scheme to be devised. Possible reliance on this form of qualitative research. Secondary research can help validate primary research.
Potential Future Work Possible mod made for the Unreal Engine. Mod would encompass the results of the research. Provide educational elements to the game.
Conclusion Research will provide information on: –The affects of gaming on children. –The learning benefits possible from these games. –How it can be harnessed and used in other games. –Future work: I.e. Mod.
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