Media Introduction
In the past, the 3R’s of Education were: Reading wRiting aRithmetic Now there is a fourth R: aRt
“Age of Information” “Age of Presentation” Today’s world is an “Age of Information”. It is also an “Age of Presentation”. More and more frequently visual images or art are being used to communicate a message. More than ever before people with a knowledge of art are in high demand. New media is based on images. Art careers are a viable option for many young people.
Important Definitions Media Mass Media Traditional Media New Media Multi Media Interactive Media
Media Means of spreading information, entertainment, etc. through a variety of means such as books, TV, radio, Internet, etc. that include a variety of elements such as words, sounds and images. Requires an audience and can alter beliefs. Simply – Material used to communicate a message
Mass Media One way communication that reaches a large audience.
Traditional Media Media that is often based on a limited number of elements. (Most media prior to 1990’s.) Examples: Print – Books, posters, newspapers. Images - Photos Sound – Radio, recording Combination – Sound and images - TV
New Media Form of communication that can combine text, music, video, photos, art and animation. Examples: CD Rom, DVD, other electronic media. Often highly interactive: Internet, twitter, Facebook, etc.
Multi Media Traditional or new media forms of communication that combine text, music, videos, photos, art and/or animation
Interactive Media Ways for people to interplay with multimedia products and online environments. Interactivity allows people to select information, modify elements like music, participate in real time on-line video conferences, make choices and receive information in response.