Educators Summer Symposium Tina Lamoreux, Stephanie Muchow, and Laura Slama
Session goals: -Purpose of Math Games -Using Math Games Effectively -Choosing Games Effectively -Resources -Math Games/Game Binder as Homework -Questions
I Have, Who Has How can you make this math game more purposeful?
On a sticky note write one reason (purpose) why you might use math games in your classroom? Put a star on your sticky if you already use math games in your classroom?
Personal experiences-engagement in learning Engaging Motivating Promote fluency and practice of skills Strategic thinking Problem solving Promotes learning to be fun Facilitates students to take risk Helps plan for future learning Anecdotal observations Promotes social skills and collaborative
Concept or skill that students have learned or for new skill practice Standards based Areas of weakness-gaps (exit cards, observations, formative assessments) Problem solving-strategic thinking Build interest in skills and math as a whole Student choice of math game NCTM-Evaluating Games
Accountability- What can students be doing so that they are accountable for playing? (Balloon Ride) Differentiate- How could you modify this game to differentiate? (Close to 100) Assessment- What questions could you ask while students are playing to assess? (Rolling Records) Reflection- What could students write or show to reflect on their game? (exit card, journal entry, etc.) (Multiple Madness)
Setting up classroom environment- -student responsibilities -work independently -work collaboratively -sportsmanship Students are at least moderately successful with skills at an independent level Teachers have played games themselves to practice the rules, to know what materials are needed, plan the best way to introduce the games
Introducing and playing games (model) as a whole group to understand rules and procedures of the game Questioning Student accountability-game sheets, math journals, exit card srooms/amy/geometry/3- 4/activities/quilt.html srooms/amy/geometry/3- 4/activities/quilt.html to help differentiate Ten-Minute Math by Cornelia and Susan Jo Russell
Large Group Small Group Mixed As homework?
Promotes a fun way for families to practice math (Easy for parents to understand and feel successful) Involves parents in their children’s education (Engages) Continues to promote mathematical fluency outside of school Teaches accountability-play games at school if a parent is not present-provide the opportunity for them to play at school-points -not a punishment Differentiate – setting personal goals How to introduce –parent letter *Family Math Nights
Parent letter Recording sheet Personal and classroom goals Materials- counters (paper), dice and cards (number cards), pencil pouches (baggies)- other materials might be added as games are taught
Using Games in Your Math Teaching, by Marilyn Burns Math, Fun, and Games?: Yes Way! x?id= x?id=27612 Math Games and Activities- Bonnie Adama
Closure- Key point in using math games *Purposeful Wiki resources Additional questions-feel free contact one of us for more information or activities