Innovations in Data Dissemination Thomas L. Mesenbourg, Jr. Acting Director U.S. Census Bureau United Nations Seminar on Innovations in Official Statistics February 20, 2009
2 Dissemination Challenges Present relevant and appropriate information that meets users’ needs Provide information that is timely, accurate, and accessible
3 Topics to be Discussed Integrating data from multiple sources Allowing users to access, manipulate, and generate results themselves Points for discussion
4 Integrating Data from Multiple Sources TheDataWeb – U.S. Census Bureau –Open source system – handles different kinds of data and datasets in the same system framework –Empowered by statistical intelligence Documentation, statistical usage rules, data integration rules –Stores data one time, uses them many times –Software infrastructure that makes HotReports and DataFerrett work –Collaborating with ABS since 2005
5 U.S. Census Bureau’s HotReports Target decision makers who have limited time and statistical background Features –Bring together relevant variables for local areas Maps, charts, simple tables, and short text boxes –Focus on one topic using information from many data sources Such as economic development or emergency response –Update the information dynamically –Support decision making through guided use of statistical data
7 Local Employment Dynamics Program U.S.Census Bureau A collaboration between the U.S. Census Bureau and almost all the states –Integrates workers’ characteristics with their employers’ characteristics –Labor force information available quarterly and longitudinally for small geographic areas and by industry –Pre-defined and user-defined tables OnTheMap software –Easy visualization of massive amount of data –Strict protection of respondents’ confidentiality –First released in 2006 – latest version 3.2 released in December 2008
8 OnTheMap
9 Integrating Data – Other Countries Two innovations (Sweden) –Aggregated statistics – SSD Access data from Statistics Sweden and other agencies Combine data with different structures on same topic Transmit selected tables to the user –The Planning Portal – integrates geographic information from various sources for planning purposes Interactive databases (Brazil) –Dynamic graphs that allow adding a time variable Layered approach (Australia) –Headlines, simple stories, detailed stories, data cubes, and related data, as well as metadata
10 Allowing users to access, manipulate, and generate results themselves Public-use products, including microdata Statistical data enclaves User-defined tables while protecting confidentiality Licensed access to confidential data
11 Public-Use Microdata DataFerrett is an analytical tool developed by the U.S. Census Bureau Features –Targets sophisticated analysts who are now able to access many public-use microdata files at once –Data manipulation, including advanced tabulations –Maps and business graphics using statistical rules –Data extracts in popular statistical package formats –Adding regression and other advanced statistical tools Provides context with the variables –The universe, variable values, and the definition
12 More on Public-Use Products Anonymised micro data files (Ireland) –No identifiers, and data suppressed if re- identification would be possible Output Database (Lithuania) –A specialized web site of Eurostat products Developed for national users, free of charge Launched with 820 datasets
13 Statistical Data Enclaves The U.S. Census Bureau –Research Data Centers allow users to obtain special sworn status to access confidential data in controlled locations for approved purposes Also used in Canada, New Zealand and the Netherlands
14 User-Defined Tables and Analyses While Protecting Confidentiality On-line statistical database (Ireland) –Users can create customized tables –Access to software for downloads Microdata Analysis System (US) –A remote access system to create tables and execute regressions using confidential data is in development –Based on the Advanced Query System developed for Census 2000 data
15 Licensed Access to Confidential Data Microdata on line (Sweden) –Approved researchers access confidential data on line Licensed access to confidential data (Australia) –Restricted information when access is broader, and more detailed variables only for trusted users Research Microdata Files (Ireland) –Only authorized people can access them, under the Statistics Act of 1993
16 Points for Discussion If we build it, will they come? Are statistical agencies best equipped to satisfy users needs? Targeted versus enterprise-wide systems? Can innovative, targeted systems be adapted for the enterprise? How can we leverage each other’s initiatives?