+ Web-Based Games Caitlin Thompson Kaylee Grow
+ Rubric HardEasy FunBoring Age AppropriateNot Age Appropriate
+ Super Spin Teaches addition or multiplication based on the chosen grade level. games.html games.html Hard Easy Fun Boring Age Appropriate Not Age Appropriate
+ Grand Prix Multiplication Teaches multiplication and is aimed towards third grade. grand_prix/grand_prix.html grand_prix/grand_prix.html Hard Easy Fun Boring Age Appropriate Not Age Appropriate
+ Stay Afloat Similar to Hangman you get to choose the category and have to try and guess the word. Aimed at fourth grade. Hard Easy Fun Boring Age Appropriate Not Age Appropriate
+ Alphabet Stew Teaches the alphabet, word building, short vowel words, and spelling. Aimed at 4-9 year olds. games.html games.html Hard Easy Fun Boring Age Appropriate Not Age Appropriate
+ The Great Shape Race Teaches shapes. Aimed at first or second grade. shape-race.html shape-race.html Hard Easy Fun Boring Age Appropriate Not Age Appropriate
+ HangMouse HardEasy FunBoring Age AppropriateNot Age Appropriate Hang mouse is a very good way to have younger kids use a more complex thinking method.
+ Typing Adventure HardEasy FunBoring Age AppropriateNot Age Appropriate Typing Adventure would help improve kids typing ability while they think they are just playing a game. level-1/ level-1/
+ Elementary: Antonym or Synonym? HardEasy FunBoring Age AppropriateNot Age Appropriate Elementary: Antonym or Synonym is a game that does exactly what it sounds like, it helps children learn about antonyms and synonyms. antonym-or-synonym/ antonym-or-synonym/
+ Divide the Compound Words HardEasy FunBoring Age AppropriateNot Age Appropriate Divide the compound words just helps the children sound out words easier. the-compound-words/ the-compound-words/
+ 3-5 Grade Word Builder HardEasy FunBoring Age AppropriateNot Age Appropriate 3-5 Grade Word Builder is a game that you have to make words to move on to the next level, it helps you learn a bigger vocabulary. word-builder/ word-builder/