Internet Safety Parents Students Enter Here Enter Here
Start a discussion with your child What are your favorite things to do online? What is personal information? Why should you keep it private? What could you do to be safer online? What would you do if anyone online asked to meet you face-to-face? Besides me, who do you feel that you can talk to if you are in a scary or uncomfortable situation?
Learning the basics of Internet safety Children use a variety of online services, and each of these services can have different safety concerns. However, there are some basic tips which you can employ no matter how your children use the Internet. Keep the computer in a high-traffic area of your home. Establish limits for which online sites children may visit and for how long. Remember that Internet technology can be mobile, and make sure to monitor cell phones, gaming devices, and laptops. Surf the Internet with your children and let them show you what they like to do online. Know who is connecting with your children online and set rules for social networking, instant messaging, ing, online gaming, and using webcams. Continually dialogue with your children about online safety.
Choose a topic Links are provided by You will find descriptions of the topic, tips, and discussion starting ideas. BloggingCell PhonesChildren as Victims Cyberbullying , IM, & Chat Rooms File Sharing GamingIdentity TheftInappropriate Content Internet SafteyPredatorsRevealing to Much SextingSocial NetworkingWebcams
On to Games
Let’s Play Some Fun Games Do you want to Color? Puzzle Palooza Do Not Open That File Password Rap
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NetSafe Utah Pledge K - 3 I pledge to: 1.Guard my personal information from people I don’t know. 2.Remember that I can give my personal information to people I know and trust. 3.Tell an adult I trust if something I see or hear on the Internet makes me feel uncomfortable, scared, or sad. 4.Tell another adult I trust if someone I know makes me feel uncomfortable, scared, or sad. 5.Treat other people how I would want to be treated. 6.Not respond to cyber-bullies, save the evidence, and report it to an adult I trust. Finish
Congratulations!!!! You have learned how to be Safe on the Internet!
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