Serious Games for Physical Rehabilitation Designing Highly Configurable and Adaptable Games Department of Electronics and Informatics (ETRO), Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Rehabilitation process Boring and repetitive exercises Inability of children to challenge themselves Lack of motivation Serious games are a promising tool to increase motivation, challenge and fun
Serious games Lack of modern computer games for the physical rehabilitation and exercises Existing games – are often one purpose only or are aimed only for a specific exercise – have limited configuration possibilities – do not provide any runtime analysis or evaluation of the exercise
Proposed gaming platform Based on the concept of mini-games Universal input interfaces – Any game can be controlled with any input device – 3D Cameras, Balance boards, Accelerometers, but even not standardized devices you have Increases the configuration possibilities – Sensitivity, Zero (neutral) position – Easy visual configuration even for non-technicians
Ict4rehabIct4rehab C3D Recordings + Statistics XML -Game configuration update -Feedback DOC -Summary of playing -Clinical measurements
Variability of input controls
Configuration Interface
Game Controls C3D Driver Shimmer Android Unified Skeleton Representation Game Configuration Game Binding Points [Name, Handler] Binding Two bones angle Binding One bone abs. angle Binding Accelerometer rotation Registration of binding points Analyzers Control events Skeleton Acc. data -Score adjustment -Movement quality report -Additional instructions -Recognized gestures Kinect Driver Preprocessing Xml Configuration Data processing threadsMain thread Preprocessing Module specific configuration Bindings definition & configuration Configuration of analyzers DTW Gesture recognizer Joint Smoothness System architecture
[Video to be here]
Conclusion & Future work Universal platform for creating various serious games – Also with a set of mini-games Easy visual configuration by users through the specialized configuration interface Gaming platform created in cooperation with therapists Runtime analysis and evaluation of player’s movements and Long term plans to test the system with – children suffering from CP – therapists