Agenda 8/30/06 Adv. Dig. Photography Attendance and Check In (who has sketchbooks and who has signed Class Expectations) Free Response Finish and Turn in 50 Contemporary Master Photographer Worksheet (if you finish early, find something SILENT and productive to do in your assigned seat!) Favorite Contemporary Master Photographer Presentation assigned.
“Rules” for the Free Response Warm Up Every class day’s Free Response must be on a new page in your sketchbook (front to back is fine). You must write the date at the top of each page. The pages must be in order (which means that if you are absent and don’t do the Free Response at home, you will need to leave a blank page(s) when you get back to class and then go back and do the one(s) you missed.) You must fill up a whole page with writing, sketching, etc. IN RESPONSE TO THE PROMPT each day. At least once a week, you must use color.
Free Response Warm Up 8/30/06 Free write (don’t worry about spelling, grammar, sentence structure, etc., just write) about these questions: –What were your favorite photographs that you took when you had F/A Digital Photography? Why? –Look at the Student Gallery from F/A Digital Photography online (ask me if you can’t get to it). What are some of your favorites? Why? –When you are looking at photography (in museums, galleries, books, magazines, online, etc.), what are you drawn to? What do you like? Why? –Do you remember any historical or know any contemporary Masters of Photography? Who? What do you like about their work?
Favorite Contemporary Master Presentation Pick your FAVORITE contemporary master of photography and let me know who it is. Pick one of his/her bodies of work and research and really study the photographs and his/her writing to find the commonalities, meaning, themes, etc. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that has at least 8 slides and covers the following topics: –Biography of the Photographer (the interesting stuff, in your own words!) (BE CONCISE!) –Artistic Statement (Explain what the work is ABOUT in your own words and perhaps a few quotes from the artist. Make sure you make this slide succinct and UNDERSTANDABLE to us!) –At least 5 slides of the work (one photograph per slide) –Your reaction to the work… Tell us WHY it’s your favorite!