The library is making room for some new books, so we are currently giving away dozens and dozens of extra books. These "Free Books" are on the bookshelves against the western wall, right by the free magazines. Students are welcome to explore and take what they want. You are limited to 3 per day, but you can stop by every day to get more books. We will be adding to the free books collection over the next few weeks, so continue to stop by to see what's available. Thanks
Peer Helper meeting this Wednesday, September 16, during 7 th Period in the Library
The Sound of Music” auditions are this Thursday, 9/17, from 3:45 - 5:45pm in the big gym. The Sellwood Stars Dance Team auditions are on 9/23, 24 & 25 in the Big Gym, 3:45pm-5:45pm. PEAK
+ It’s time to design the cover for the Yearbook! Please use ink or paint for your design to be vivid and bright! Pick up a form in the office Deadline September 18 Ask Ms. Souther or a yearbook staffer if you have questions Don’t forget the deadline is this Friday!
Please hold on to your picture forms and bring them with you to the photographer on Friday... they do not get turned into the office. Reminder: no hats or sunglasses on picture day. Thanks! PICTURE DAY IS THIS FRIDAY
SMS Practices will be Thursdays and Mondays from 4-6:30. Come dressed down with knee pads if you have them!
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams What actions are you doing to make you a leader? Remember the life skill for September is LEADERSHIP
Back to School Night This Thursday, the 17 th, is Back to School Night at 7pm. This is for adults only, not for students. If you have to be here, you must stay with your parents the entire time