How to Give a Clinic By Scott Perry & Steve Moore EduTRAIN™
This is an EduTRAIN™ Clinic EduTRAIN™ Copyright © 2014, National Model Railroad Association, Inc.
Warning! The thought of giving a clinic can cause people to die on the spot, fall over with fear, lose control of their bodily functions, and make them change hobbies. If you think that this clinic on giving clinics, could cause “clinicitis” in you or those next to you, report to the clinic down the hall immediately. You Have Been Warned! EduTRAIN™
Purpose of the Clinic The Purpose of this clinic is to show that giving a clinic is not hard to do, not lethal, and can be a great factor in helping you improve your own skills. It can also introduce you to some new friends. Your Division Needs New Clinicians. EduTRAIN™
Clinic on Giving Clinics What’s a Clinic? Type of Clinic Deciding to Give a Clinic Choosing a Topic Preparing a Clinic PowerPoints Demonstration and Hands-On Before the Clinic During the Clinic After the Clinic Questions? EduTRAIN™
What is a Clinic? Sharing of knowledge Entertainment Helping Others Contributing to Your Division EduTRAIN™
Types of Clinics Lecture Discussion, (Panel Discussion) Hands-On Round Table Demo. EduTRAIN™
Deciding to Give a Clinic You Do Not Have to be an Expert. And You Don’t Even Have be the smartest Person in the Room. EduTRAIN™
Deciding to Give a Clinic If you are nervous, try a Mini-Clinic before doing a full Clinic. The Clinic Coordinator will be Happy to Review and Rehearse Your Clinic with You. Keep Your First Clinic Simple and Easy. EduTRAIN™
Choosing a Topic If You Don’t have a Topic in Mind, Ask the Clinic Coordinator for Possible Topics. Pick Something You Like to Do or Already Know About. Pick Something You Want to Know More About. EduTRAIN™
Choosing a Topic Find a Topic a Friend Knows a lot about and Get Him to Help You. Find a Clinic that has Been Done at other Clubs that Might be of Interest to your Group. Always Get Approval for the Topic from the Clinic Coordinator and Set a Firm Date! EduTRAIN™
Possible Clinic Topics Photo and Painted Backdrops. Couplers. Scenery Techniques. Basic Layout Electrical. Structures- Design and Construction. Kitbashing- Make it Different. Scratchbuilding Structures, Hands-On Layout Animation. EduTRAIN™
Possible Clinic Topics Laser Kit Construction Hands-On Bridges- from Prototype with Plastic, or Wood. Airbrushing Hands-On, Stripping Paint, Cleaning Brushes, etc. 3D Printing. Many More... EduTRAIN™
Preparing a Clinic Basics of a Clinic: –Tell them What You’re Going to Tell Them. –Tell Them. –Tell Them What You Told Them. EduTRAIN™
Preparing a Clinic Outline the Clinic, (Speakers Notes.) Prepare Your PowerPoint Presentation. Prepare Your Hands-On or Demonstration Project. Prepare Your Hand-Outs, (Including Material List and Sources when Appropriate). EduTRAIN™
Preparing a Clinic Keep the presentation focused on your main idea, don’t wander. Build the presentation in a logical fashion from beginning to end, (i.e. tell your story). Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 BuildPlan Research EduTRAIN™
Preparing a Clinic Use few words on the chart for readability, use more charts if necessary. Let the speaker explain the words, don’t make the audience read. Use pictures and diagrams as much as possible. Always consider the readability of the chart in choosing backgrounds and colors. EduTRAIN™
Preparing a Clinic Gather Your Materials. Practice it Several Times to get Comfortable. Dry Run Your Presentation to a Friend, (Check Timing). Make Final Corrections. Yahda, Yahda EduTRAIN™
Things to Avoid Harsh Humor. Rude Jokes. Nudity. Insults. Political or Religion Jokes. Off Topic Items and Stories. Going Over the Time Limit. EduTRAIN™
Demonstration and Hands-On Demonstrations are one the Most Effective Teaching Methods. Be Sure that What You are Doing Can Be Seen by Everyone. Handouts help the Group to Follow Along, and are Required for Achievement Program Credit. EduTRAIN™
Demonstration and Hands-On Hands-On Means the Group Participates. Careful Preparation is Required to Get Materials Together. Always Think About Clean- Up. Be Sure to do the Hands-On Projects Yourself BEFORE You Give the Clinic. EduTRAIN™
Before the Clinic Make a Checklist of Things You Need to Bring. Contact the Clinic Coordinator to Make Sure the Computer, Projector, Tables, Water, or Whatever You Need will be Available. Load Your Material in a Box or Two for Transport. Check Items Off the List as you Put them in the Box. EduTRAIN™
Before the Clinic Show Up Early to Setup the Room the Way You Like. Check the Room Lighting. Demo: Can the Audience See What You’re Doing? Ask for Help if You Need It. Always have Water to Drink if You Get Choked or a Dry Throat. Always Expect Problems. EduTRAIN™
During the Clinic Speak Clearly and Not Too Fast. Speak as if You’re in a Conversation. Don’t Try to Memorize. Every Time You Present Your Clinic it is Different. EduTRAIN™
During the Clinic NOTICE: No One Has Ever Died from Giving a Clinic. Public Speaking is However, the Number One Fear of Adults. Practice Makes this Fear Go Away. EduTRAIN™
During the Clinic Engage the Audience. Use Direct Eye Contact. Don’t Read the PowerPoint, Present the Material. Move It’s OK to Make Mistakes or Say, “I Don’t Know”. Present Tips for Those Afraid to Speak to Groups. EduTRAIN™
After the Clinic Answer Questions. Offer to Help Others. Don’t Demean Your Clinic. Get Ready for Your Next Clinic. EduTRAIN™
Review What is a Clinic? Types of Clinics. Deciding to Give a Clinic. Choosing a Topic. Preparing a Clinic. PowerPoints. Demonstrations and Hands-On. EduTRAIN™
Review Before the Clinic. During the Clinic. After the Clinic. Questions. EduTRAIN™
Questions? More Questions??? EduTRAIN™