How To Make A Good Decision SEN My Changing World
using the traffic lights system
Every day we make decisions. Sometimes they are easy. Sometimes they are difficult. If we use the traffic lights to think through our decisions, we can make better decisions.
STOP What are the possibilities? What might happen?
THINK What would be good about each choice? What would be bad about each choice? What is the worst that could happen? Who could I talk to about this?
DECIDE What will I decide to do? Why have I decided to do this?
Great! Now you know how to make good decisions. Click the house if youve decided to stop using this resource now. Click on the traffic lights if you want to practise making some decisions.
Your granny gives you money to go and buy some clothes. Your mum always buys porridge; this week she lets you go and pick the cereal. Youre very hungry. When in the shop with your friend, you see a chocolate bar you cant afford. Click on the traffic lights to practise making each of the following decisions.