Please write your hopes and dreams for your child in first grade. Please take a minute to look through the books your child is reading! Signed papers go in the Take Home Folder Bin
First Grade Curriculum Night Introduction Expectations (in your packet) Overview of the First Grade Curriculum Extras Introduction Expectations (in your packet) Overview of the First Grade Curriculum Extras
Mission Statement
Reading The Students will: Read independently daily Read to someone daily Listen to someone read daily Respond to reading daily Read Think Discuss The Teacher will: Guide reading groups (fiction and non-fiction) level & strategy Facilitate shared reading Read aloud Explicitly teach reading strategies Assess reading to monitor progress and growth
Reading Year at a Glance Phonics: Early Literacy Concepts Phonological Awareness Phonemic Awareness Short vowels Long vowels Blending sounds High Frequency Words Spelling Patterns Word Meaning Word Structure Comprehension Skills: Retelling Sequencing Story Elements Vocabulary Making Connections Questioning Predicting Visualizing Finding Evidence Text Features Point of View Compare & Contrast
Reading Curriculum Making Meaning- Strategies that Build Comprehension and Community Fountas and Pinnell- Letters, Words, & How They Work- NEW Follow pacing of grammar, phonics, vocabulary, writing. Spelling: Linked with Phonics, High Frequency Words, Embedded in writing. Writer’s Workshop: Write, Revise, Edit, and Publish More directed writing: narrative, descriptive, short stories, poems, non-fiction, procedural.
Math Realistic approach to problem solving Practice through games Spiral curriculum Emphasis is on these content strands: -Number and numeration -Operations and Computation -Data and Chance -Measurement and reference frames -Geometry -Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
Problem Solving and Precision Explain reasoning Look for a pattern Use a math tool Guess, check, revise Write a number sentence Act out a problem Draw a picture Use objects Make an organized list Make a table or a chart Solve a simple problem first
Science Collecting and Examining Life Sun, Moon, & Stars Magnets & Motion Habitats Inquiry, systems, and application skills are embedded in the science curriculum. National Geographic Science Companion
Social Studies Home and school rules - Rights and responsibilities (Citizenship) Families Near and Far Map and globe skills Families and Groups Meet Needs Junior Achievement Exploring Where and Why
Health Being Safe: School, Home, Outside Allergies Eating healthy food Emotions: Knowing your feelings Healthy Teeth Heart, lungs Making friends Emergencies Making good decisions
Technology Materials & Equipment iPad, Computer lab, ActivBoard, ActiVote, Headphones Basic operations and concepts Word processing & curriculum related software. Web page navigatingWeb page Technology ethics “What a computer is to me is the most remarkable tool that we have ever come up with. It’s the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds.”
Changes in schedules or Absences Discipline Policy Homework and Monthly Reading Log Birthdays and Friend List Volunteers for Art/Library/Photographer