Conducting Consultations on Legislation in Australia Vicki Bourne Former Senator Australian Parliament.


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Presentation transcript:

Conducting Consultations on Legislation in Australia Vicki Bourne Former Senator Australian Parliament

Ministers or Department originate legislation - “Bills” Members of Parliament ensure Bills are acceptable Legislative Process

A multi-party system Two chambers each elected differently All Bills must be approved three times by a majority in each chamber Federal Parliament

House of Representatives Single member electorates; about 50,000 people per electorate The party with most seats in the House of Representatives forms the government Bills generally pass that Chamber quickly, with little or no change

The Senate Multi-member electorates of 12 Senators Elected by proportional voting The government party usually needs the support of other parties This will often involve amendment of a Bill

Citizens know they can get a Bill amended They expect senators to consult Citizens’ Expectations

Types of Consultations Meetings with individual or groups, public and private Lobbying by interest groups Discussions on radio television and internet Senate Committee consideration

Meetings Skills Understand what is in the Bill and and be able to explain it simple terms Listen to and understand constituent concerns If you promise to do something, make sure it happens Learn to deal with difficult people Expect the unexpected

Lobbying Make sure you understand the detail of the Bill Learn to deal with intense persistence Learn to recognise indirect influence

Mass Media Sound natural Don’t be afraid to say you don’t know

Senate Committees Made up of Senators with an interest and/or knowledge of the subject of legislation Chaired by a government Senator Committees often hold public inquiries

Senate Inquiries Committee will call for submissions People with substantial submissions will be asked to speak to the Committee and answer questions Hearings are usually held in suitable locations The Committee then recommends what changes, if any, should be made

Committee Skills Try to be pleasant when dealing with witnesses, no matter how unpleasant they are to you Be thoroughly prepared

To sum up Remember details Be prepared You can’t be expected to know everything