1 CRCID Funding 1. CRCID Funding Criteria 2. Program Funding 3. Project Funding
2 CRCID Funding Criteria CRCID will fund Programs and program related projects IF …………
3 CRCID Funding Criteria 1. Program proposal submitted by recognized Canadian Rotary entity (Club, District, RAG, CRCID); 2. Local Rotary club/District is implementing partner; 3. Addresses poverty reduction in one of CRCID’s Sectoral Priorities: Health Concerns; Literacy & Education; or, Water Management.
4 CRCID Funding Criteria 4. Program driven by results (output; outcome; impact); 5. Sustainable with gender equality component; 6. Implemented in ODA* country(ies). *Official Development Assistance: The term applies to aid from members of Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD) to developing countries.
5 CRCID Matched Funding CRCID Matches: Canadian Rotary club contributions; Canadian DDF contributions; – Canadian District identified as a District that includes at least 1 Canadian Rotary club. The Rotary Foundation – Only the portion matching the Canadian club(s) and/or Canadian District(s) contributions. CRCID Matches above sources at 0.8:1
6 CRCID Matched Funding Canadian Rotary Club(s)$80,001 Canadian District$25,000 The Rotary Foundation$24,999 CRCID ($130,000*0.8) $104,000 Total:$234,000 Example:
7 CRCID Matched Funding CRCID charges 10% management fee on all funds advanced However….. 10% mgmt. fee should appear as program expense in the budget Payment: Invoice included with cheque & payable from club funds (100% of CRCID funds MUST be advanced to program or project)
8 Program Agreement Process 1. Submit Program Proposal by deadline (September 15, 2008); 2. CRCID Secretariat & appropriate Sectoral Committee review proposal & either approve or reject; 3. If approved, then goes before CRCID Board of Directors for final approval of what programs included in CIDA Program Funding Proposal;
9 Program Agreement Process 4. CRCID Program Funding Proposal submitted to CIDA by deadline (October 31, 2008); 5. Upon approval of proposal by CIDA CRCID will enter into a 3-Year legal agreement with CIDA to commence upon expiration of current agreement (March 31, 2009);
10 Program Agreement Process 6. Upon notification of CIDA approval, CRCID will prepare “CRCID Program Agreements” for the Rotary programs to be funded during the life of the CIDA agreement. 7. Program Agreements are signed by the Chief Administrative Officer of CRCID and: 1. Current President for lead Canadian Rotary club; or, 2. Current District Governor for lead Canadian District.
11 Program Funding 1. Once agreements signed, CRCID will advance first installment of funds to the programs according to eligible funds on hand; 2. Future advances of funds dependent upon: a. Receipt of acceptable financial report (including invoices); b. Receipt of “Advance Payment Request” informing CRCID how is required; c. Bi-annual monitoring narrative reports showing results achieved to date. 3. All CRCID funds advanced must be expensed on program by expiration of CRCID Funding Agreement with CIDA (e.g. March31, 2009).
12 Program Funding CRCID supports “actual and reasonable expenses directly related to the implementation of the Program, such as : Salaries for locally-engaged support staff hired on site; Cost of commercial transportation based on the lowest possible economy fare using the most direct routing. Costs arising from purchase, rental, maintenance and transportation of goods, equipment, and supplies in accordance with CRCID’s policies
13 Program Funding Long distance communication, mail and courier costs; Overseas costs such as rent, leasehold improvements, utilities, office expenses, office computer and general maintenance; Translation and word processing costs, printing and production costs associated with Project reporting and production of reading material.
14 Project Funding 1. Project must fall under the umbrella of an approved CRCID funded program; 2. Canadian Rotary club initiating project submits project application to CRCID Secretariat AND Program Coordinator; Program Coordinator/Committee must approve project because CRCID funding comes from overall program budget;
15 Project Funding 3. Funding Criteria are the same as TRF with following exceptions: a. CRCID will fund buildings & renovations to buildings; and, b. CRCID will not support vehicles (note: See policy manual for exception) 4. Upon approval, CRCID will prepare Letter of Agreement for signature by: Current President of Cdn. Rotary club initiating project; Program Coordinator: and, CRCID Chief Administrative Officer 4. CRCID project funds advanced upon notification that all other project funds contributed;
16 Project Funding 5. Project funds sent to Canadian Rotary club with notification of advance sent to Program Coordinator; 6. Narrative & financial monitoring report (with invoices) req’d every 6 months while project active;
17 Project Funding 7. Financial report (with invoices) due within 2 months of project completion; 8. All CRCID funds advanced must be expensed on program by expiration of CRCID Funding Agreement with CIDA (e.g. March 31, 2009).
18 The End Are there any questions…….