Concerns and Issues
“…not knowing what to say.” “…forgetting what to say next.” “…losing my train of thought.” “…going blank.” “will forget to make eye contact” “worried that if I look at people I will forget what I was going to say” “I get distracted very easily”
“slurring words” “the way I pronounce words” “I have a speech impediment” “…start laughing sometimes when nervous.” “I have a medical condition that causes me to shake and have tremors.” “turn red” “legs shake” “hands shake” “voice shakes” “stuttering” “sweaty hands” “feel like I am going to pass out” “English is not my first language” “using bad grammar” “say like and um a lot”
“talk quicker when nervous which makes me not reach time minimums which in turn makes me more nervous.” “not making the right length of time” “I read too slow”
“I am not the best writer.” “having nothing to say” “not being able to think of a topic” “not being interested in the topic” “what if I say something I regret” “I don’t think speeches are necessary.” “will I be as good as the last person”
“worried about others laughing” “feel like people are judging my appearance” “If I were to speak and no one was listening to me I don’t know what I would do.” “I am afraid of sharing how I feel with others. I am afraid of everyone looking at me and judging me on my words.” “they will laugh if I mispronounce a word” “speaking in front of people who I don’t hang out with” “my voice is too quiet” “I don’t project well” “worried people will ask me a question”