Making the news Unit 4. Through what ways can we get the information? TV radio.


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Presentation transcript:

Making the news Unit 4

Through what ways can we get the information? TV radio

computer magazine


What sections does a newspaper usually include? Local news International news Business Entertainment Advertisement … What is your favorite section?

Suppose you were to be a journalist for China Daily, do you know what kinds of jobs they have at their office and what each job involves?

Different kinds of jobs needed for making newspapers journalist 记者 designer 排版员 painter 美术编辑 printer 印刷员 critic 评论员 cartoonist 漫画师 chief editor 主编 deputy editor 副主编 sub-editor 审校编辑 editor 编辑 photographer 摄影师 correspondent 通讯员

Answer the questions by using the words we learned just now. 1 Who writes news stories? 2 Who gives opinions on plays and books? A critic. 4 Who reports from abroad ? 3 Who decides the content of the newspapers? A Journalist/reporter. A foreign correspondent. An editor.

Types of jobsWhat it involves journalist editor making sure the writing is clear, concise and accurate; checking facts finding out news and telling people about it in the newspaper or on TV/radio Discuss in pairs and fill in the chart below.

photographer taking photographs of important people or events laying out the articles and photographs printing the newspaper designer printer

Do you know how to make the news? What is the process ?

Every morning the newspaper chief editor holds a meeting with the journalists to discuss the main events.

Reporters are sent to do face-to-face interviews or do telephone interviews.

Photographers are sent to take the pictures. Doing one’s homework–looking up information they need.

Reporters type their stories into the computer. The stories are quickly handed to the editor.

Photos are quickly developed. Editors decide which picture should be used and read some stories and make any necessary changes.

Editors write the headlines for each story and check that there is enough space. Newspapers are printed on fast –moving printing machines.

Newspapers are delivered by train or plane. Newspapers are sent to every home.

How is a newspaper made? The_____ editor holds a meeting. Journalists __________ people and write stories. Photos are quickly __________. Photographers _____ photographs. chiefinterview developed take

Editors ______ the report. Editors write the __________. The newspapers are _________ by train or plane. The newspapers are _________. check headlines delivered printed

穆青 穆青 : 中国著名记者, 他在 60多年的新闻生涯中创 作了《县委书记的榜样 —— 焦裕禄》等著名新闻作品, 教育和影响了几代人。 Do you know who these good journalists are?

白岩松 白岩松:央视著名记者、 主持人,他主持了香港 回归、三峡大江截流、 国庆五十周年庆典、澳门 回归等大型现场直播节目。 他成为新一代电视人的代 表之一,曾获 “ 金话筒 ” 奖。

What equipment do you think a journalist should have nowadays? A mobile phone, small recorder, digital camera, satellite telephone, notebook computer, etc.

Everyone has unforgettable moments in his/her life. Think about your first day at school, being far away from home, your first day abroad… Now discuss in your group what the first day would be like, and how you would feel if you were to work for a famous newspaper or company.

Interview patient imaginative well-organized polite technically good concise thorough creative curious careful gifted professional Use the words given below to make an interview with your partner about which occupation you will choose in the future.

Homework 1. Look up the new words and expressions of the reading in the dictionary. 2. Preview the reading: MY FIRST WORK ASSIGNMENT