RFP RESULTS AND FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS OGIC: JUNE 17, Framework Data Development Program Bob DenOuden
Framework Data Development Program Intended to fund efforts that develop, enhance, steward, or make accessible Oregon Framework data $500,000 available for biennium OGIC, PAC, FIT, GPL all review proposals Reviewer team conducted initial review and compiled all review feedback for recommendation to OGIC Reviewer team members: Bob DenOuden Cy Smith Gail Ewart (representing PAC) Phil McClellan (representing FIT) Diana Walker (representing GPL)
RFP Timeline March 2 nd – RFP released March 17 th – RFP overview presentation by GEO April 14 th – Proposals due April 29 th – Presentations from each proposer May 12 th – FIT Leads (am) / GPL (pm) review May 19 th – PAC review June 2 nd – Reviewer Team compiles review input for OGIC
Summary of Proposals Ten proposals received: Proposal NameAgency Amount requested Customizations for ArcGIS and Geoportal to Support the Oregon GIS Metadata Standard LCOG$29,000 Oregon Framework Fish Habitat Distribution Data Development ODFW$87,100 The Oregon Historical Railroads Project ODF, OPRD$112,700 Integration of the Continually Updated Shoreline Product (CUSP) and the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) for the Oregon Coast DLCD$50,000 Online lidar data distribution system for Oregon Lidar Consortium DOGAMI$37,599 Expansion and Consolidation of Lidar-Based Levee and Dike Inventory DOGAMI$67,546 Oregon Watershed Emergency Response System (OWERS) MB&G/EWEB /Salem$78,754 Oregon Spatial Data Library Enhancements INR$59,776 Radon Map of Oregon DOGAMI$86,252 Establishing an Integrated Statewide Database of Shoreline Access DLCD$14,175 TOTAL $622,902
Recommendations Fund these seven: Proposal NameAgency Amount requested Customizations for ArcGIS and Geoportal to Support the Oregon GIS Metadata Standard LCOG$29,000 Oregon Framework Fish Habitat Distribution Data Development ODFW$87,100 Integration of the Continually Updated Shoreline Product (CUSP) and the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) for the Oregon Coast DLCD$50,000 Expansion and Consolidation of Lidar-Based Levee and Dike Inventory DOGAMI$67,546 Oregon Spatial Data Library Enhancements INR$59,776 Radon Map of Oregon DOGAMI$86,252 Establishing an Integrated Statewide Database of Shoreline Access DLCD$14,175 TOTAL $393,849
Recommendations Do Not Fund: Valuable project – just the wrong funding source Oregon Watershed Emergency Response System (OWERS) MB&G/EWEB /Salem $78,754
Recommendations Defer decision – work with proposers to modify: Historical Railroads: pursue a pilot project at smaller funding level to extend process all the way to vector data for a subset of the rail maps Lidar Data Distribution: Put funding decision on hold and have Elevation FIT work with DOGAMI to pursue a better solution for more efficient distribution of lidar data The Oregon Historical Railroads Project ODF, OPRD$112,700 Online lidar data distribution system for Oregon Lidar Consortium DOGAMI$37,599 TOTAL $150,299
Additional Recommendations For proposals from state agencies that included Indirect costs, request these amounts be changed to In-Kind contributions Longer term: pursue clarification on policy for Indirect in future funding cycles For potential remaining framework funds, have FIT Leads develop guidance to seek specific proposal(s) addressing high priority framework data needs.