Welcome to Year 4 ’Meet The Teacher’ Mr Turton We are looking forward to working together with you
Introductions Other adults working with Year 4: Mrs Priddle (Teaching Assistant) Mrs Freuchen (PPA cover)
Expectations Team work & respect Social skills Progress and achievement Presentation Handwriting Pride Self esteem Confidence Organisation Enjoyment (I hope!)
School Uniform Boys Black School Trousers or shorts. White shirt Tie Royal blue sweatshirt with school logo. Black Socks Girls Black Skirt/trousers, Knee length shorts or pinafore. White shirt Tie Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo. White socks or plain black opaque tights. Royal blue and white cotton dress may be worn in the summer. PE Kit White or black shorts White t-shirt with school logo Black tracksuit Trainers
What will your child be learning? Primary National Curriculum 2014 Cross curricular teaching Year 4 expectations – important year! Big Writing – extended writing session Guided Reading – the explicit teaching of reading Phonics Shared reading – with Year 2
How Can I Help My Child? Home Learning: weekly work will we set for Maths, English and Spelling. Speaking tasks Times Tables – weekly tables Reading: Reading Record Books – how to fill them in Family Reading Morning: every Friday – all welcome! Handwriting Creative curriculum topic – The Living Land Use of the Internet Taking the learning into ‘real life’ Check our School Blog for more information
What does my child need for learning? Breakfast! Change to buy a healthy snack at break time Water! Please fill water bottles each day at home and ensure they come into school PE Kit: and (and any club days) – if your child does not have their PE kit, you will be contacted and asked to bring it into school PE Kit: Mondays and Tuesdays (and any club days) – if your child does not have their PE kit, you will be contacted and asked to bring it into school Reading Book and Reading Record Book (daily) Home/School Journal (daily) A named jumper/cardigan!
Things to remember MonTuesWedThursFri BRING TO SCHOOL Reading book and reading record book Home/School Journal Completed homework to hand in PE kit BRING TO SCHOOL Reading book and reading record book Home/School Journal PE kit BRING TO SCHOOL Reading book and reading record book Home/School Journal BRING TO SCHOOL Reading book and reading record book Home/School Journal BRING TO SCHOOL Reading book and reading record book Home/School Journal TAKE HOME Reading book and reading record book Home/School Journal TAKE HOME Reading book and reading record book Home/School Journal TAKE HOME Reading book and reading record book Home/School Journal TAKE HOME Reading book and reading record book Home/School Journal Homework TAKE HOME Reading book and reading record book Home/School Journal
Rewards House points Star of the week Role model raffle tickets Completed sticker charts Celebration assembly Superstar Points Year 4 Responsibilities School Council representatives Eco-Watchers/Recycling Monitors SNAG Members Supporting younger children
Behaviour Please support your child by reminding them of their responsibilities and our school behaviour expectations. When behaviour is not of an appropriate level, you will be informed and asked to discuss this with us and your child. We are positive that your children will set the standards high and maintain the behaviour we know they are capable of this year.
‘Good to be Green!’ Your child will strive to remain ‘green’ on the class ‘Good to be Green!’ chart. If your child is not able to follow school rules, the following changes will be made to the ‘Good to be Green!’ chart: Warning card (YELLOW) – this will be given when low level inappropriate behaviour has occurred in school or at break times. Your child’s name will be recorded on a class chart detailing the inappropriate behaviour. Consequence card (RED) – this will be given when low level inappropriate behaviour is repeated after receiving a Warning card, or when higher level inappropriate behaviour has occurred. Mrs Foad will be in touch with parents/carers.
Bullying Shepherd Primary School operates a ZERO- TOLERANCE policy when it comes to bullying. If you feel your child is being treated inappropriately by another child, please let your child’s class teacher know immediately. Any issues will be dealt with swiftly and in accordance with our school ‘Anti-Bullying’ policy This policy is available on our school website:
Attendance Year 4 = a crucial year – attendance is very important Your child must be in school every day DfES minimum expectation for attendance is 95% - your child’s attendance should not be below this! Your child must be on time every day School starts at 8:50am If your child is late arriving at school, please enter via the front entrance and sign your child in at the school office
Upcoming Events Family Reading starts: 18 th September am Learning Library (YN – Yr 2) starts: 11 th September 8:30 – 8:50am (dining room) PTA AGM: 18 th September (9:15am) School photographer: 16 th September SEN open morning: 22 nd September Dahlicious Day: 25 th September Harvest Festival: 9 th October Parents evening: 21 st October Half Term: w/b 26 th October PTA School Christmas Event: 5 th December Whole School Sponsored Bounce: 16 th October Pantomime at Watersmeet: 8 th December Year 1 & 2 Christmas Production: 10 th December Christmas Concert: 16 th December (9:10am) Last day of term: Thursday 17 th December Trip to the pantomime – Tuesday 8 th December Trip linked to the Year 4 curriculum Class Trips & Visitors
Clubs Please encourage your child to join one of our fantastic extra-curricular clubs! All clubs start the week commencing Monday 5 th October. WHY? Clubs are… A good opportunity to try something new A good opportunity to mix with different children and make new friends A way to learn new skills
Parent Volunteers We welcome your help and support and would like to invite you to come into Year ? and help us on either a regular or occasional basis. You could help with a variety of things, such as: Reading Times tables Arts and crafts School trips Any other area where you have a skill/talent Please do let us know if you would like to help. We welcome all parents/carers. Please note that all adult helpers need to be DBS checked.
If you need to speak to us, please get in touch by: Home/School Journals Speaking to us at the end of the day Sending a note via your child Making an appointment to see us at the office
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