Big Idea Get your book!!!. Alias, alibi, camera, extra, focus, media, radius, and recipe. These are words that were created by the Romans. What other.


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Presentation transcript:

Big Idea Get your book!!!

Alias, alibi, camera, extra, focus, media, radius, and recipe. These are words that were created by the Romans. What other things can you think of that the Romans gave us? Open your book to page 21 and read along with the CD.

Social Studies Standard 7.1.1: Study the early strengths and lasting contributions of Rome and its ultimate internal weaknesses. Paraphrase:

Reading Comprehension 2.1: understand and analyze the differences in structure and purpose between various categories of informational materials. Paraphrase

Communicate: to give information to other people through words or signs. execute: to kill someone, especially as punishment for a crime. public works: structures built by a government for public use. multicultural: consisting of many different cultures and religions. Romance Language: languages based on Latin. Constantine: the emperor who allowed Christians to worship freely.

Art, Architecture, and Engineering Architecture: Most structures were public works projects. Artists added beauty to the buildings. Engineering-The Romans created concrete, domes, arches, and roads. Water Supplies: Romans had a very modern water system. Most people received clean water from public fountains. Rich had clean water and sewer in their homes. Romans created aqueducts.

Roman Law and Language 451-Rome’s first law- the Twelve Tables. Law and Citizenship-Some laws changed over the years but there were two that always stayed the same: 1. good government was based on laws, 2. all citizens had equal rights under the law. First citizens were those in Italy, then it grew to all free men in the empire.

Summary : In this section we have learned about Rome’s last contributions. They have contributed to the Art, Language, Law, Water and Sewer, Religion, Engineering, and Architecture.

Social Studies and Word Analysis 1.2 Many people speak the Romance Languages. Spanish is the most common here in the US. Although English is not based off the the Romance Language, we have many words with Latin Roots. Our alphabet is bases off of the Roman Alphabet.

Write two questions that you would like answered.

Rome’s most important legacy is Christianity. Constantine, the emperor, allowed Christians to worship freely in 300. Romans persecuted many early Christians, they were afraid of a Jewish rebellion because Christian Scriptures stated they had executed Jesus by nailing him to the cross.

Early Rome had laws to deal with its citizens but then had to create laws to deal with foreigners. Rome laws are the bases for the many modern systems. Europeans, Latin American, and the US are based on the Romans System.

 How did Christianity become Rome’s official religion?  Constantine allowed Christians religious freedom.  Why did Roman create aqueducts?  Aqueducts help to get clean water to regular people.

What religion came into power do to Constantine? Christianity What did Romans create to help receive clean water? Aqueducts

Complete # 1 and 6 on worksheet “Roman Aqueducts” Read and complete “ Roman Aqueducts”