How My Body Works SEN Knowing and Growing
How my body works Everyone knows a car needs petrol to go. It also needs water and oil, and air in the tyres. Our bodies need food as fuel and water to keep us going. We also need exercise to keep us fit, and sleep and relaxation to keep running smoothly!
Fuel for the body Eating healthy food keeps your body in good working order. Eat five portions of fruit and vegetables each day. Eat foods low in fat. Do not eat too many sugary foods. Eat food high in fibre. Eat lots of different foods.
Parked! How much sleep do you need? Teenagers need a lot of rest and sleep because they are still growing. While you sleep, your body works on growing bigger and repairing damage.
Checking the oil! To keep your body working well: Take regular exercise – it is good for your heart and bones. Visit the doctor when you are sick. Visit the dentist every six months. Go to the optician regularly to get your eyes checked.
Car wash You need to keep your body clean: Wash your face and body every day. Wash your hair frequently. Brush your teeth in the morning and at night. Change your underwear every day. Use deodorant every day. Girls! Use sanitary products when you have your period.