Managing research projects From a former landfill in Manchester to research with over 200 staff in Tesco.


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Presentation transcript:

Managing research projects From a former landfill in Manchester to research with over 200 staff in Tesco

Overview People Time Tasks Future Anecdotes (and exclusive admissions of mistakes) from my research Illustrations of how you can use Ketso to help

Ketso is a hands-on kit for creative groupwork

Invented in Southern Africa in the mid 90s - women didn’t speak in mixed gender groups

Ketso was used in Southern Africa to help communities change this...

…to this: sustainable living

Developed in Planning PhD at University of Manchester (Mersey Basin Campaign)

… working to develop a vision for a sustainable North Manchester

Local enthusiasm from the plans developed moved a former landfill site from 30 th ….

... to first on the list. The site received £1.7 million of Newlands funding.

Ketso has been used in contexts ranging from research with Tesco (over 200 staff)

… to engaging with stakeholders in research in health, environment, enterprise, planning…

… to research into refugee and migrant integration, including LGBT issues in Scotland

People - Time - Tasks - Future Partners: Ask – what is in it for you?

People - Time - Tasks - Future Partners: Ask – what is in it for you? Align what you are doing with what is in it for others.

People - Time - Tasks - Future Partners: Ask – what is in it for you? Align what you are doing with what is in it for others. Tell people how you are doing this!

People - Time - Tasks - Future Partners: Ask – what is in it for you? Align what you are doing with what is in it for others. Tell people how you are doing this! Recalibrate – check in if benefits are still aligned

Tesco – expert advisory group & key staff

People - Time - Tasks - Future Partners: Ask – what is in it for you? Align what you are doing with what is in it for others. Tell people how you are doing this! Recalibrate – check in if benefits are still aligned ‘Employees’: Allow for contingencies

People - Time - Tasks - Future Partners: Ask – what is in it for you? Align what you are doing with what is in it for others. Tell people how you are doing this! Recalibrate – check in if benefits are still aligned ‘Employees’: Allow for contingencies People may not produce the goods – on time, sufficient quality, worst case – at all

People - Time - Tasks - Future Partners: Ask – what is in it for you? Align what you are doing with what is in it for others. Tell people how you are doing this! Recalibrate – check in if benefits are still aligned ‘Employees’: Allow for contingencies People may not produce the goods – on time, sufficient quality, worst case – at all Allow plenty of time and checks to see what you are getting, and if you will need to do something about it!

People - Time - Tasks - Future Partners: Ask – what is in it for you? Align what you are doing with what is in it for others. Tell people how you are doing this! Recalibrate – check in if benefits are still aligned ‘Employees’: Allow for contingencies People may not produce the goods Allow plenty of time and checks Broader world: Communicate, communicate! People won’t come and find you, look for audiences Engage early & often, align messages with interests

Show what you are doing! Keep track, think stories, images and impact.

Public engagement with research

Returning knowledge to Peru “... It was good because we have all given ideas.” “... we are used to being dictated too, so it is nice to be able to give our ideas.” “... we are not used to thinking about such things, we are normally told what to do.” C.Furlong & J.Tippett, 2011

People - Time - Tasks - Future How does it all fit?

People - Time - Tasks - Future How does it all fit? Map out and plot, what needs to happen when, what needs to happen in order for that to happen….

Plot timeline visually, move things around

Time management I knew we were pushed for time but actually stopping and reviewing the situation by analysing what we had to do and by when really made myself and the group a lot more effective and efficient in our decisions. Undergraduate second year student

People - Time - Tasks - Future How does it all fit? Map out and plot, what needs to happen when, what needs to happen in order for that to happen…. Check deadlines and other people’s critical times.

People - Time - Tasks - Future How does it all fit? Map out and plot, what needs to happen when, what needs to happen in order for that to happen…. Check deadlines and other people’s critical times. Do your partners have key targets / block out times?

But we don’t do anything extra between Nov. and end Jan.

People - Time - Tasks - Future How does it all fit? Map out and plot, what needs to happen when, what needs to happen in order for that to happen…. Check deadlines and other people’s critical times. Do your partners have key targets / block out times? Build in check points and pre-deadline deadlines.

People - Time - Tasks - Future How does it all fit? Map out and plot, what needs to happen when, what needs to happen in order for that to happen…. Check deadlines and other people’s critical times. Do your partners have key targets / block out times? Build in check points and pre-deadline deadlines. Remember that people may not deliver! (including you)

People - Time - Tasks - Future How does it all fit? Map out and plot, what needs to happen when, what needs to happen in order for that to happen…. Check deadlines and other people’s critical times. Do your partners have key targets / block out times? Build in check points and pre-deadline deadlines. Remember that people may not deliver! Allow time to write and communicate

People - Time - Tasks - Future How does it all fit? Map out and plot, what needs to happen when, what needs to happen in order for that to happen…. Check deadlines and other people’s critical times. Do your partners have key targets / block out times? Build in check points and pre-deadline deadlines. Remember that people may not deliver! Allow time to write and communicate So important, always squeezed, build in at all stages.

And remember that everything takes longer than you think!

People - Time - Tasks - Future Find the critical path Ask – what will fall apart, where are the absolutely essential bits?

People - Time - Tasks - Future Find the critical path Ask – what will fall apart, where are the absolutely essential bits? Really think about key deadlines When does this have to be done by?

People - Time - Tasks - Future Find the critical path Ask – what will fall apart, where are the absolutely essential bits? Really think about key deadlines When does this have to be done by? Check if you need to get things to others If they need to do something with it, they need time.

People - Time - Tasks - Future Find the critical path Ask – what will fall apart, where are the absolutely essential bits? Really think about key deadlines When does this have to be done by? Check if you need to get things to others If they need to do something with it, they need time. Review and check your timeline. Are things going according to plan?

People - Time - Tasks - Future Think about where you want to be. Network, find the people to talk to, find out what matters to them. Remember the key message – ask people what would help them, and align what you are doing with what other people need.

People - Time - Tasks - Future Think about where you want to be. Network, find the people to talk to, find out what matters to them. Remember the key message – ask people what would help them, and align what you are doing with what other people need. Build resilience. Things will change, and things will go wrong. It’s OK! Learn design skills, and adapt. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Keep smiling!

‘Ketso’ means action in Lesotho, where it was invented in 1995