Setting and Learners’ Profile
The Secondary School "Campo de Calatrava", is a school centre financed with public funds of the “Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha”
Social and cultural features Attention to diversity Tutorial action Coexistence plan The principles of no discrimination and inclusive education The principles collected in the regulation “LOE”
The centre is located in the province of Ciudad Real, in the municipality of Miguelturra. To the School Centre attend students from 4 locations in the province of Ciudad Real: Miguelturra, Pozuelo de Calatrava, Ballesteros and Villar del Pozo.
3 kms from the county town. It has a population if about inhabitants. Its main sources of income are the public service sector and the building industry. More than a half of the population is employed in these sectors. Other sources of income are agriculture and stockbreeding. Miguelturra Located at 7 kms from Miguelturra, it has a population of about inhabitants. The students living there attend to our school centre travelling by school bus. Its main sources of income are agriculture and stockbreeding, followed by the public service sector. Pozuelo de Calatrava Located at 15 kms from Miguelturra, with a population of less than 1000 inhabitants. The main source income is agricultures followed by stockbreeding. The students attend to our School centre by car. Ballesteros de Calatrava The smallest municipality in the province of Ciudad Real. It has a population of 110 inhabitants. It is near the airport. Villar del Pozo
The age of the learners: learners from 12 to 18 years old The 50 % of the learners do not have the habit of studying that allow them an autonomous learning technique. They have attention deficit and nervousness. Some of them have lack of interest and motivation. There are a few students whose families did not stimulate them for studying, so they are not motivated because their families did not pay attention to their education. There is an important number of learners that have a great interest and motivation, and they continue studying at the University or developing important jobs, recognized by different public and private bodies. There is an important number of students that have an important interest and compromise in the area of English.