Like A Child Jesus formed relationships with many people while on earth. He stirred up the Pharisees by eating with the tax collectors and sinners. He had friendships with women like Mary and Martha. He choose His 12 apostles from mere fishermen – and yet one of the simplest, but most profound relationships He had was with Children. He didn’t just care for children – He used them as an icon of ideal humility and faith. This EVENING I want us to look at the two main occasions when Jesus called on each of us to become like children.
We Must Be Childlike First Occasion: Who Is The Greatest? Mark 9:33-37 Matt 18:1-14 Luke 9:46-48 Second Occasion: Who Is Welcome? Mark 10:13-16 Matt. 19:13-15 Luke 18:15-17 While Jesus teaching on being Child-like is found 6 times in the synoptic gospels (Matt, Mark, and Luke) they each are recording details from only 2 occassions. First Is… Read Mark 9:33-37 Secondly…Mark 10:13-16 We will point out a few of the details from these cross-references, but this morning our primary lesson will come from Mark’s straightforward account.
1st Lesson: Mark 9:33-37 Our Application The Setting & Lesson The Disciples Discussion… His Illustration By His Side (Luke 9:47) In His Arms (Mark 9:36) His Explanation 1.) Receive The Weak. 2.) In Jesus’ Name 3.) Receives Jesus and the Father Our Application The “greatest” is the humble servant who cares for the weak. LESSON: LAST OF ALL & SERVANTS OF ALL. Although they would not answer Jesus, Luke 9:47 adds that He knew what was in their hearts. So He teaches them this lesson. Last of All: Last to be esteemed, last to be exalted. Servant of All: Helping everyone else, especially the weak. You are at everyone’s call. Think of the youngest child in a family. Dad says go to bed, Mom says brush your teeth. So the little guy heads toward the bathroom only to find Big brother say I get the toothpaste first, Big sister says you have to wait I’m brushing my hair. And finally the little guy gets his turn. He’s the little guy – last of all to get what he needs. In Jesus eyes His Humility makes him the greatest. HIS ILLUSTRATION: Notice that Jesus puts the child in two positions. Before the Disciples and In his Arms. Jesus lets all 12 of them get a good look at this child. Maybe it’s a little girl and they can see her bright eyes, and the stains on her shirt from helping her mother. The dirt on her cheeks from playing with her brothers – The disciples see her pure smile and her tender meekness. Then as Jesus lifts her in His big strong arms, they see that He doesn’t just love the GREAT. They see that Jesus loves and even TREASURES every one of us. EXPLANATION: With Their eyes locked on her tiny body, Jesus begins to speak. And he explains to them: (Mark 9:37) "Whoever receives one child like this in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me does not receive Me, but Him who sent Me." (NAS95) If you want to be great – If you want to impress me and receive Me – then don’t just try to get on my good side, go and serve the weak. Care for the children; then you have received me and the Father who sent Me. APPLICATION: Attitude: Let us imitate the humility that is in the children Jesus points out. (MT 18:4) Action: Let us serve others far before ourselves. Accpetance: We are to support the weak – not cause them to stumble! Causing others to stumble is the LAST THING we should be doing. Let us not pretend that we have truly accepted Jesus, if we have not taken in our own arms the helpless and the innocent in this World.
2nd Lesson: Mark 10:13-16 The Setting & Lesson: His Illustration The Disciples’ Rebuke… Permit the children to come… Kingdom of God belongs to such as these… His Illustration Receive the kingdom like a child The Explanation Jesus’ actions Our Application God welcomes those who come in faith. Mark 10:13-16 - - - Setting of Rebuke: Talk about Good Help is Hard to Find! Jesus has picked these 12, He has just told them how important it is for them to receive children – and here they are not only sending them away, but CRITICIZING the children and parents for even coming to the LORD! They are not permitting the children to come and be blessed by Jesus! LESSON: At Best they are just trying to control the crowd, but at worst they are turning them away as unworthy. Whatever the case Jesus stops them. He says 2 key things here. Permit the children: Some children may have come un-escorted, some parents may have been brought by their parents, but it is really interesting to see what they are after. These are not parent’s looking for physical blessings. These are parents seeking something spiritual. (Matthew 19:13) Then some children were brought to Him so that He might lay His hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them. (NAS95) It seems that all they are truly after is a prayer. They are not after more bread. They are not even looking for physical healings. It is the simple Faith that Jesus has something SPIRITUAL to offer that has created in these parents a determination for their children to see Jesus. Understanding WHAT THEY ARE AFTER – then we can see why the Kingdom of God belongs to them. The Kingdom of God is for those who are looking for Spiritual Treasure. I really believe that these people get it. They may not know that Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of God, but they do know He is OF GOD. JESUS is instructing the apostes – DONT TURN AWAY MY SPIRITUAL CHILDREN. ILLUSTRATION: Not only Does Jesus want them to be let by, but He wants the disciples to recognize the motivation of these parents and children. Those that will be a part of God’s kingdom, come because they have heard it is right. They come because they have been sent by someone they trust. They come because they are walking by faith in something beyond the physical, and they believe Jesus is the Source! EXPLANATION: Jesus doesn’t use words to explain himself this time. He reaches out and touches them. He warmly receives them and prays for them. They have come to Jesus with FAITH that He has what they need. HE HAS LOVINGLY RECEIVED THEM. How Beautiful!!! ------------------- DESIRE: Our desire to come is not based on knowing exactly what we will receive. It is based on knowing who is doing the giving! We don’t desire to come to Jesus because He is impressive. We don’t desire His kingdom because of the physical difference He can make. We desire Him to interceed to GOD on our Behalf, because we know He is OF GOD. DETERMINATION: Despite the harsh REBUKE, they come. How many today would have said “Fine! I didn’t want to come anyway! You can’t treat me like that! I’ll just get my prayers somewhere else!” They don’t leave because they know it is JESUS who they must see. And just because some of his followers are causing problems, will not deter their Faith. We need that determination today. Because just like the apostles certainly offended or hurt these children, there will be people who offend or hurt you in your quest for Jesus. When we come with FAITH. We can overcome these temporary barricades, confident that CHRIST is Calling US TO HIM. ACCEPTANCE: Our Reward is From Him. Jesus did not dissappoint. He didn’t call them over and say – I’m sorry I just don’t have time for you right now, we’ve gotta go. Jesus stayed right there and prayed for those children, layed His hands on those children. And even though they may not have understood everything that was taking place they willingly submitted to what Jesus could do for them. Today we need to willingly submit to what Jesus provides. As our Mediator in Prayer, As our Redeemer in Baptism – Jesus will not walk away, will not dissappoint if we are truly seeking His love and blessing. Today we need to see the answer to the Question: Who is Welcome To Come To Jesus – ANYONE young or old, big or small, who will come like these children did – with FAITH in God’s grace.
God Welcomes You! He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. Mark 16:16
Like A Child Will You Become God’s Child This Morning? Will you come to Him with Pure Faith that His Grace, and His Blessings can make you whole. It is not enough to just start being humble, and nice to kids. Look again at our Key verse from Matt 18. You not only must be like a child, but first you must be converted. You must turn away from your sins, and turn towards the Cross of Jesus. Be converted this morning, become a Child of God by coming forward and letting us help you, while we stand and sing.