Do You Know The FACTS??
First some easy ones.
Jesus was born... A.On December 25, 1 A.D. B.On a Midnight Clear. C.Sometime in December, 4 B.C. D.No one knows for sure.
Jesus given his name... A.Before He was conceived. B.By the Magi. C.When He was 8 days old. D.Because it means “king”.
Jesus’ birthday was... A.Celebrated by his family. B.Celebrated by the apostles. C.Both A & B. D.None of the above.
I think you can handle some harder questions!
Jesus’ mother Mary... A.Road into Bethlehem on a donkey. B.Was a virgin her whole life. C.Saw the angel Michael in a dream. D.None of the above.
How many magi came to Jesus in the stable? A.0 B.3 C.4 D.No one knows for sure.
The magi brought... A.Incense B.Silver C.Purple linen D.None of the above.
Now for some tough ones!
After the magi left... A.A messenger told Mary to flee to Nazareth. B.An angel told Joseph to flee to Galilee. C.Joseph was told in a dream to flee to Egypt. D.A prophet came to the house and warned them.
The prophet micah predicted that Jesus would be... A.Laid in a manger B.Born in Bethlehem C.Wrapped in swaddling clothes D.Worshipped by shepherds
Which prophet predicted the virgin birth? A.Micah B.Isaiah C.Malachi D.Jeremiah
How did you do?
Jesus was born... A.On December 25, 1 A.D. B.On a Midnight Clear. C.Sometime in December, 4 B.C. D.No one knows for sure.
Jesus was born... A.On December 25, 1 A.D. B.On a Midnight Clear. C.Sometime in December, 4 B.C. D.No one knows for sure. All we know was that it was before Herod’s death (about 4 B.C.) and at a time when sheep were being grazed (usually between March and October).
Jesus given his name... A.Before He was conceived. B.By the Magi. C.When He was 8 days old. D.Because it means “king”.
Jesus given his name... A.Before He was conceived. B.By the Magi. C.When He was 8 days old. D.Because it means “king”. According to the Law of Moses, a Hebrew child was brought to the temple to be dedicated on their 8 th day. An offering was given, the child was named, and boys were circumcised.
Jesus’ birthday was... A.Celebrated by his family. B.Celebrated by the apostles. C.Both A & B. D.None of the above.
Jesus’ birthday was... A.Celebrated by his family. B.Celebrated by the apostles. C.Both A & B. D.None of the above. The idea of celebrating birthdays is a pagan one and neither the Jews, the apostles nor Jesus celebrated anyone’s birthday.
Jesus’ mother Mary... A.Road into Bethlehem on a donkey. B.Was a virgin her whole life. C.Saw the angel Michael in a dream. D.None of the above.
Jesus’ mother Mary... A.Road into Bethlehem on a donkey. B.Was a virgin her whole life. C.Saw the angel Michael in a dream. D.None of the above. The Bible does not say Mary road a donkey. Mary had other children with Joseph. Gabriel appeared to Mary while she was awake.
How many magi came to Jesus in the stable? A.0 B.3 C.4 D.No one knows for sure.
How many magi came to Jesus in the stable? A.0 B.3 C.4 D.No one knows for sure. None! By the time the magi arrived, Joseph and Mary were living in a house. It was probably two years later. (BTW, no one knows how many magi came to Jesus in the house.)
The magi brought... A.Incense B.Silver C.Purple linen D.None of the above.
The magi brought... A.Incense B.Silver C.Purple linen D.None of the above. “…gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh.” Matthew 2:11b (NIV)
After the magi left... A.A messenger told Mary to flee to Nazareth. B.An angel told Joseph to flee to Galilee. C.Joseph was told in a dream to flee to Egypt. D.A prophet came to the house and warned them.
After the magi left... A.A messenger told Mary to flee to Nazareth. B.An angel told Joseph to flee to Galilee. C.Joseph was told in a dream to flee to Egypt. D.A prophet came to the house and warned them. “When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. ‘Get up… take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt…’” Matthew 2:13 (NIV)
The prophet micah predicted that Jesus would be... A.Laid in a manger B.Born in Bethlehem C.Wrapped in swaddling clothes D.Worshipped by shepherds
The prophet micah predicted that Jesus would be... A.Laid in a manger B.Born in Bethlehem C.Wrapped in swaddling clothes D.Worshipped by shepherds “But you, Bethlehem…, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.” Micah 5:2 (NIV)
Which prophet predicted the virgin birth? A.Micah B.Isaiah C.Malachi D.Jeremiah
Which prophet predicted the virgin birth? A.Micah B.Isaiah C.Malachi D.Jeremiah “...The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14 (NIV)
Tie Breaker Bonus!!
What did the shepherds do when they found Jesus? A.Bowed to Jesus in the manger. B.Played drums. C.Stayed all night singing songs. D.Left and spread the news.
What did the shepherds do when they found Jesus? A.Bowed to Jesus in the manger. B.Played drums. C.Stayed all night singing songs. D.Left and spread the news.