The International System of Units - SI Metrics The International System of Units - SI
Commonly used units/symbols What are the units used to measure Mass Distance Volume Time Temperature What are their symbols?
Fahrenheit Water freezes/thaws at 32° Water vaporizes at 212° “Absolute Zero” is -459°
Celsius Water freezes/thaws at 0° Water vaporizes at 100° “Absolute Zero” is -273°
Kelvin Water freezes/thaws at 273 Water vaporizes at 373 “Absolute Zero” is 0
Temperature Conversions To convert ˚C to ˚F : ˚C x 9/5, + 32 = ˚F To convert ˚F to ˚C : ˚F – 32, x 5/9 = ˚C
Common prefixes What are the common prefixes we use in metrics?
yotta Y zetta Z exa E peta P tera T giga G mega M kilo k hecto h deca Metric Prefix Table Prefix Symbol Multiplier Exponential yotta Y 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 1024 zetta Z 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 1021 exa E 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 1018 peta P 1,000,000,000,000,000 1015 tera T 1,000,000,000,000 1012 giga G 1,000,000,000 109 mega M 1,000,000 106 kilo k 1,000 103 hecto h 100 102 deca da 10 101 1 deci d 0.1 10¯1 centi c 0.01 10¯2 milli m 0.001 10¯3 micro µ 0.000001 10¯6 nano n 0.000000001 10¯9 pico p 0.000000000001 10¯12 femto f 0.000000000000001 10¯15 atto a 0.000000000000000001 10¯18 zepto z 0.000000000000000000001 10¯21 yocto y 0.000000000000000000000001 10¯24
Unit Divisions SI Equivalent 1 inch (in) 25.4 mm 1 foot (ft) 12 in 0.3048 m 1 yard (yd) 3 ft 0.9144 m 1 mile (mi) 5,280 ft or 1,760 yd 1.609344 km Survey 1 link (li) 33⁄50 ft 0.201168 m 1 foot (survey) 1200⁄3937 m 0.3048006 m 1 rod (rd) 25 li 5.029210 m 1 chain (ch) 4 rd 20.1168 m 1 furlong (fg) 10 ch 201.168 m 1 mile (survey) 80 ch 1.609347 km
Liquid volume Unit Divisions SI Equivalent 1 minim (min) 0.061 611 52 mL 1 US fluid dram (fl dr) 60 min 3.696 691 mL 1 US fluid ounce (fl oz) 8 fl dr 29.573 53 mL 1 US gill (gi) 4 fl oz 118.294 1 mL 1 US cup (cp) or (c) 2 gi or 8 fl oz 236.588 2 mL 1 (liquid) US pint (pt) 2 cups or 4 gi or 16 fl oz 473.176 5 mL 1 (liquid) quart (qt) 2 pt or 32 fl oz 946.352 9 mL 1 (liquid) US gallon (US gal) 4 qt or 128 fl oz or 231 cu in 3.785 412 L 1 beer barrel (bbl) 31 gal 117.347 8 L 1 oil barrel (bbl) 42 gal 158.987 3 L 1 hogshead 63 gal 238.481 0 L
Avoirdupois weight Unit Divisions SI Equivalent 1 grain (gr) 1⁄7000 lb 64.798 91 mg 1 dram (dr) 27+11⁄32 gr 1.771 845 195 312 5 g 1 ounce (oz) 16 dr 28.349 523 125 g 1 pound (lb) 16 oz 453.592 37 g 1 hundredweight (cwt) 100 lb 45.359 237 kg 1 (short) ton 20 cwt 907.184 74 kg
Is there an English unit for mass? The slug. It is a mass that accelerates by 1 ft/s² when a force of one pound-force (lbf) is exerted on it. Therefore a slug has a mass of 32.17405 pound-mass or 14.5939 kg.
Is there an SI unit for weight? The Newton. It is equal to the amount of force required to give a mass of one kilogram an acceleration of one meter per second squared.
Can you convert units? KHD(U)DCM King Henry Died while Drinking Chocolate Milk Kilo x 1000 Hecto x 100 Deca x 10 (unit) g, m, L Deci x .1 Centi x .01 Milli x .001