Unit Conversions Converting from one unit to another Requires the following formula: In the conversion factor, the unit that needs changing is always on the bottom Original unit X conversion factor = New unit Original unit X conversion factor 1 x conversion factor 2 = New unit
English and Metric Units LENGTHVOLUMEMASS 1 inch=2.54 cm1ft 3 =28.32l1lb=453.59g inch= 1m1.05 qt = 1l1 oz = g 1 mile= 1.61 km1 gal = l
micromillicentidecikilo µm/1m 1000 mm/1m 100 cm/1m 10dm/1m1000m/1 km Micro, milli, centi, deci, kilo
Sample Calculations Problem 1: 20g = ? lbs Conversion factor: 1lb=454g Formula: Original unit X conversion factor = New unit Calculation: 20g x 1lb/454g =0.04 lbs Problem 2: 100 yards= ? km Conversion factor: inch=1 meter Formula: Original unit X conversion factor = New unit Calculation: 100 yds x 36 inches/1yd x 1 m/39.37 inches = m
Problem 3: 20 liters = ?deciliters Conversion factor: 1l=10 dl Formula: Original unit X conversion factor = New unit Calculation: 20 l x 10 dl/1l = 200 dl Problem 4: 1 year = ?seconds Conversion factors: 1 yr=52 wks; 1wk=7days; 1day=24 hrs; 1hr/60 min; 1m/60s Formula: Original unit X conversion factor = New unit Calc: 1yr x (52 wks/yr) x (7days/1wk) x (24hr/day) x (60m/hr) x (60s/m) =
Dilution Calculations Original conc X (volume original/Final vol) = Final concentration Problem 1: How much of a 2M NaOH solution would it take to make a 4 liter, 0.5M NaOH solution? (2M)(x/4liter) = 0.5M (2M)(x) = (0.5M)(4liter) x= (0.5M)(4liter)/2M x= 1 liter So, take 1 liter of 2M NaOH solution and mix it with 3 liters of H 2 O