Home Time Table SubjectsUniformHouses Rules
Home Time Table SubjectsUniformHouses Rules Subjects ICT English History Geography Maths Science R.E Res Mat P.E GCSE RESULTS
Home Time Table SubjectsUniformHouses Rules Time Table 8:00am before school clubs start. 8:30am first bell goes and students have access to their lockers. 8:40am second bell goes and 1 st lesson starts. 9:40am 2 nd lesson 10:40am guidance Or assembly 11:00am Break 11:20am 3 rd lesson 12:20pm 4 th lesson 1:20pm lunch 2:00pm 5 th lesson 3:00pm school finishes.
Home Time Table SubjectsUniformHouses Rules Result GCSE Grades YEAR 5+ A-C GRADES % % % % % % % % % %
Home Time Table SubjectsUniformHouses Rules Uniform Boys uniform White shirt (long sleeve/short sleeve Black trousers Blazer Black jumper (do not have to wear a jumper) Black shoes. Clip-on tie (colour depends on house colours) Girls Uniform White shirt Black trousers Black skirt Blazer Black jumper (do not have to wear a jumper) Clip-on tie ( colour depends on house colour)
Home Time Table SubjectsUniformHouses Rules Houses Ash - Head of house Mr Collins Bay - Head of house Mr O’Connor Elm - Mrs O'Dowd Yew - Mrs Hughes
Home Time Table SubjectsUniformHouses Rules ASH The head of ash is Mr. Collins. Ash deputy head of house is Mrs. Hewson Ash have assemblies on a Thursday this is their set day for an assembly. On there ties they have the logo in green.
Home Time Table SubjectsUniformHouses Rules BAY The head of bay is Mr. O'Connor. Bay deputy head of house is Mrs. Beardall Bay house have their assembly on a Wednesday as this is their set date for an assembly. Bay house have a purple logo on their ties.
Home Time Table SubjectsUniformHouses Rules ELM Elm head of house is Mrs. O’Dowd. Elm deputy head of house is Mr. Healy. Elm have their assemblies on a Tuesday. Elm have a yellow logo on their ties.
Home Time Table SubjectsUniformHouses Rules YEW Yew head of house is Mrs. Hughes. Yew deputy head of house is Mrs. Cronin. Yew have their assemblies on a Monday. Yew also have a blue logo on their ties.
Home Time Table SubjectsUniformHouses Rules The school has set standard and they go by a very strong set of rules and the students attending must obey them. No bullying Respect other peers Respect teachers and surroundings No phones out No running around school Wear appropriate uniform Help others No fighting
Home Time Table SubjectsUniformHouses Rules Maths Maths helps the students of Smith’s Wood learn about different kinds of key areas in the world of Maths. They learn about all the main subjects in Maths throughout their school life. The head of Maths is Mr. Studholme
Home Time Table SubjectsUniformHouses Rules English English helps the students learn about different genres of writing. They learn about Shakespeare and read some of his plays. The head of English is Miss Entwhistle
Home Time Table SubjectsUniformHouses Rules Science Science lets students do a lot of practical's during lesson when they are studying a certain project. It helps them learn about the periodic table compounds, elements and mixtures. The head of science is Mr. Brayford
Home Time Table SubjectsUniformHouses Rules ICT ICT is a good subject and it allows students to use all the modern technology around the school in the classrooms. When doing ICT you learn a lot about how to use a computer and its different programs
Home Time Table SubjectsUniformHouses Rules Geography People studying Geography learn about all the good and bad things going on in different parts of the World. Learning about development in LEDC’s and MEDC’s Students do coursework around their local areas and complete exams at the end of the year. Head of Geography is Mr. Simms.
Home Time Table SubjectsUniformHouses Rules History In History people learn about the Nazis and medicine in the World Wars. Some of the teachers in History are; Mr. Arthur, Mrs. Wilcox, Miss Osbourne.
Home Time Table SubjectsUniformHouses Rules Religious Education In RE pupils/students learn about different countries and what these countries believe in. They would also be learning about different religions from other countries to let them know how religion works in these countries.
Home Time Table SubjectsUniformHouses Rules Res Mat Res mat lets students make and create items to take home and put away. In this lesson it is mostly about wood work children can use hammers, drills and chisels to make their items. Students have res mat once a week and they have a set project fro each term. They would have to finish there project on time to get a grade then they can take it home. In here you can make things from games, clocks and even little pen and pencil holder.
Home Time Table SubjectsUniformHouses Rules Physical Education PE lets the students at the school play the sport they love playing. It lets them have more chance to get involved with other people and mix with other people so they can make more friends. It helps your children keep fit and healthy when they are doing it because they do a lot of fitness tests. PE put on after school clubs so students can use them out of school hours. It lets them use more of the facilities which they haven’t used before. The sports that are available are things such as; football, rugby, basketball, badminton, swimming, cricket, softball, rounder's and many more.