What is agriculture? It is the business of cultivating soil, raising livestock and producing crops for human need Can be called farming or husbandry Products of agriculture are fruits, vegetables and livestock
Agriculture and soil
Soil Layers Layers are called horizons O-is mainly organic material A-is topsoil B-is subsoil C-is parent material
Agriculture and the U.S.
Agriculture and the U.S. cont. Wheat Corn Soybeans Rice Beef cattle Chickens/turkeys Cows Goats/sheep
Agriculture in Pa.
Agriculture and pests Gypsy moth Fungus Grasshoppers Other insects bacteria
New Threat-Agroterrorism Any criminal act that: -Introduces hazards to plant, animal, and human health -Erodes public confidence in U.S. food supply and safety -Damages agricultural commerce and economy, including international trade -Causes social unrest
Why agroterrorism? There are some reasons why terrorists might use livestock or crop diseases: –The agents are easy to introduce into the environment –They do not need a weapon to transmit them –This makes it safer for the terrorist to use them, and –The agents are widely available Things that can be used in agroterrorism: viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites
How could this happen to our food supply? Average domestic food product moves 1,518 miles. Average imported food product moves 2,242 miles. We have the world’s safest food supply but in December 2003 we questioned that. –Thousands fell ill & 3 died from eating green onions in PA, TN, GA & NC. We had a single sick cow in Washington State and 30 nations responded with bans on imports or other sanctions. As food travels from farm to table, there are many points along the way where acts of terrorism and contamination could potentially occur USDA and FDA work hard to ensure the safety of our food supply