E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America EELA, EELA-2,…. LGI Bernard M. Marechal - CETA CIEMAT EELA-2 Project Coordinator Brazil - EU Workshop USP - São Paulo (BRAZIL),
Brazil - EU Workshop The Grid: networked data processing centres and ”middleware” software as the “glue” of resources. Researchers perform their activities regardless geographical location, interact with colleagues, share and access data Scientific instruments and experiments provide huge amount of data The Grid Paradigm
Brazil - EU Workshop The “global” Grid coverage How to take care of the future of e-infrastructures?
Brazil - EU Workshop Grid “Ecosystem” evolution in Europe Testbeds Utility Service Routine Usage National Global Ref.: D. Kranzlmüller presemtation at EGEE’08
Brazil - EU Workshop …and in Latin America ? EELA EELA-2 ? 4/2008-3/2010 1/ /2007 4/2010 →
Brazil - EU Workshop EELA & EELA-2 objectives EELA Build a bridge between consolidated e-Infrastructure initiatives in Europe and emerging ones in Latin American Create a collaboration network to deploy a large portfolio of scientific applications on a well supported Pilot Test-bed Care in parallel of the training in grid technologies and of the knowledge dissemination and outreach EELA-2 Provide an empowered Grid Facility with versatile services fulfilling application requirements Ensure production quality services Ensure the long term sustainability of the e- Infrastructure beyond the term of the project Expand the current EELA e- Infrastructure Look for new communities outside academia (Industry and Business)
Brazil - EU Workshop Projects in numbers EELA-2 ( CP-CSA under EU FP7) EELA ( SSA under EU FP6) E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America EC support: 1.7 M€ CIEMAT extra support: 0.4 M€ 10 Countries (3 in Europe) 2 International Organisations 20 Members (7 in Europe) E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America EC support: 2.1 M€ CETA-CIEMAT extra funds: 0.3 M€ Currently 16 Countries (11 in LA) 2 new countries (Panama & Uruguay) 1 International Organisation (CLARA) Currently 78 Members (62 in LA) 32 Institutions joining (31 in LA) Currently 13 JRUs (9 in LA) 4 new JRUs (3 in LA) At the final review EELA was awarded the highest EC rank: “Good to excellent project”
Brazil - EU Workshop Countries and Resources Centres EELA-2 today 16 Countries 18 Partners (13 JRUs) 78 Member Institutions France Ireland Italy Portugal Spain Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia CLARA (International) Cuba Ecuador Mexico Peru Venezuela New Panama Uruguay
Brazil - EU Workshop More Numbers EELA-2 EELA At the end of the Project # Sites:19 (13 in Production) # Cores:2700 Storage: 100 TB # Jobs:430,000 Scientific domains: 4 # Applications: in production - 6 gridified Conferences:3 Workshops:8 Tutorials:18 Trained people: 733 Grid Schools:2 After 1 year # Sites:22 # Cores: 5800 Storage: 190 TB # Jobs : 1,000,000 Scientific domains: 9 # Applications: in production - 15 Gridified Conferences:1 Workshops:4 Tutorials:8 Trained people: 158 Grid Schools:1
Brazil - EU Workshop participant · day (as of end on April 2009) Participant · day 600 by year 2 Project goals DoW 300 by year 1 EELA-2 achievements - NA2 NA2 = Dissemination & Training Much more training effort delivered than pledged
Brazil - EU Workshop Applications distribution per country, continent and scientific domain (Y1) EELA-2 achievements - NA3
Brazil - EU Workshop Certification Authority Registration Authority CA Applicant Catch All Certification Authority EELA-2 achievements - SA1 SA1 = Grid Infrastructure Service Activity Every EELA-2 country has access to the LA PKI
Brazil - EU Workshop Legacy Sites prod.vo Sites OurGrid Sites Resource Centres Map (Y1) EELA-2 achievements - SA1
Brazil - EU Workshop About 1 million jobs executed Resource Centres EELA-2 achievements - SA1 Infrastructure Usage - all VOs (Y1)
Brazil - EU Workshop Some considerations… 15 EELA-2 will end up on 01/04/2010 Will 6-year of successful efforts to: –Set up a production quality Latin American e-Infrastructure at the level of existing European Grids –Acquire the various Grid technology skills to autonomously support the Latin American e-Infrastructure on the long term (about 1000 LA people trained and 10’s of local tutor formed) –Allow LA scientific communities to: Strengthen their active participation in EU – LA collaborations by satisfying the required contributions to computing resources Enter new international collaborations to take part in new research field or attract new partners in their own field of research –Altogether “contribute to amplify the relevance of e-Infrastructures, blazing the trail towards Latin American e-Science Initiatives via National Grid Initiatives (NGIs) created in cooperation with existing NRENs and RedCLARA” (EELA-2 proposal) just be wasted ???
Brazil - EU Workshop The EELA-2 proposal 16 A 3-level organisation is proposed: –Local (RCs ↔ LAN/MAN) –National (NGIs ↔ NRENs) –Continental (LGI ↔ CLARA) Multi-middleware (gLite, OurGrid, OSG, …) structures: NGIs and LGI must not be middleware dependent Close synergy with EGI that foresees to support three middleware (ARC, gLite and UNICORE) Important role of both the LA NRENs and CLARA: fully justified by their participation in EELA and EELA-2 Even more: e-Infrastructures (Grid) should be part of the NRENs and CLARA structure (cost effective, technically correct, politically easier)
Brazil - EU Workshop The Latin American Grid Initiative (LGI) ( (RC: Resource Centre, NGI: National Grid Initiative, GOC: Grid Operation Centre, NREN: National Research & Education Network, NOC: Network Operation Centre, LGI: Latin American Grid Initiative, CLARA: Cooperación Latino Americana de Redes Avanzadas, GSC: Grid Support Centre, NSC: Network Support Centre)
Brazil - EU Workshop The Latin American Grid Infrastructure - GridLGI GridLGI is composed, from bottom to top of three layers, each of them including Grid and Network components: –At the lower Institute level: The Resource Centre (RC) is the actual site of the Grid computing resources; The backbone LAN or MAN network connects the Computing and Storage Elements (CE & SE) at the RC site; –At the intermediate national level: The National Grid Initiative (NGI) integrates all Grid Institutions in the country and federates under its Grid Operation Centre (GOC) all their RCs in a National Grid (GridNGI); The underlying National Research & Education Network (NREN) links country-wide the Research and Education Institutes and optimizes / monitors their network activity via its associated Network Operation Centre (NOC); –At the upper international layer: The Latin American Grid Initiative (LGI) which brings together all NGIs and supervises the various GridNGIs operation from its Grid Support Centre (GSC); CLARA: it is the WAN network which integrates the Latin American NRENs and supervises the overall RedCLARA network activity by means of its Network Support Centre (NSC).
Brazil - EU Workshop LGI Management/Governance
Brazil - EU Workshop Possible structure of a Latin American NGI A strong liaison with the NREN is strongly suggested/recommended. Local conditions permitting, the NGI should be incorporated into the NREN.
Brazil - EU Workshop RC tasks RC StorageElement(s) ComputingElement(s) 1st Level User Supp. Reg. Auth. Monitoring Accounting Security inc. resp.
Brazil - EU Workshop GOC tasks GOC Monitoring Accounting M/WRepos. Cert. Auth. VOMS VOMS 2nd Level user supp. DataCatalogs Info. Syst. L&B WMS
Brazil - EU Workshop GSC tasks GSC M/W releases Monitoring Accounting Catch-all CA Global VOMS 3rd Level user supp. Gen. Info. System Knowledge repo. High level Grid services
Brazil - EU Workshop NSC tasks NSC Network quality indicators User ticket GSC Ticket System Ticket Processing Network Operations Training and Dissemination Grid Site Deployment Middleware... NSC Team Single point of access RC 1 Grid Site 1 RC 2 Grid Site 2 LA-NREN AEU-NREN B RedCLA RA Operated by NOC of NREN A Operated by NOC of NREN B Operated by CLARA Operated by NOC of Campus Network NSC GÉANT2 Operated by DANTE E2E services
Brazil - EU Workshop Training & dissemination tasks T&D Conferences DisseminationMaterial Consultancy Event calendar Training events
Brazil - EU Workshop User support tasks User Supp. Guidelines Newcommunities Tech. requirements gathering Local/remote support Apps.Registry
Brazil - EU Workshop Useful references Project website: – Final review of EELA: – eela.eu/conferenceOtherViews.py?view=standard&confId=1 13 First review of EELA-2: – eela.eu/conferenceOtherViews.py?view=standard&confId=1 93 LGI model: –