January 15, 2015 Macomb Science Leadership Council.


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Presentation transcript:

January 15, 2015 Macomb Science Leadership Council

The purpose of this group is to provide professional learning, support, and networking opportunities for district-level science curriculum and instruction leaders in Macomb County. Our work will center on supporting districts as we plan for the Next Generation Science Standards.

Something I’ve done to move my district toward NGSS readiness…. Something I’ve done in my own practice to move myself toward NGSS readiness…. Move to your group and discuss your answers: K-5 teachers 6-12 teachers Building Leadership District Leadership

Thriving in times of change It is unreasonable to ask a professional to change much more than 10 percent a year, but it is unprofessional to change by much less than 10 percent a year. ~Steven Leinwand

At our last meeting…

Guideposts for Designing Effective Professional Development What are some ways your district might ensure that science professional development is… …coherent?…integrated? …engaged?…practical? Read page 5

Developing a Professional Development Plan What are our priorities for this year? What PD opportunities are available? MISD workshops Pages 8-13 of book Webinars Book study Call Jen or Mike or Paul Etc… What time might we capture? PLC Department Mtgs Staff Mtgs PD Days After School Etc…

Finding resources from previous meetings

Calling All Science Leaders!

Objectives for today NGSS Update:  MDE Update  NGSS High School Evidence Statements  NGSS Classroom Sample Assessment Tasks Getting Started in your District:  NGSS Readiness Pathways and MISD support for and beyond  Crosscutting Concepts Sharing:  Supporting each other as we develop readiness pathways for our districts

NGSS Updates

MDE Updates New standards were presented to the State Board of Education in November as the Michigan Science Standards Adoption vote has been postponed until May MISD (along with other ISDs) is moving forward as if they have been adopted

Architecture of the NGSS Science and Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas

Performance Expectations Science and Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas Where do each of the three dimensions show up in the performance expectations?

NGSS High School Evidence Statements Middle School and Elementary School Evidence Statements are coming soon!

What do you think the purpose of these might be? How might they be used?

Read pages 3 – 8. What are the big ideas?

NGSS/CCSS-M Classroom Sample Assessment Tasks

Read the Purpose and Overview How might these be useful to us?

Scan either the Middle School or High School Task. What do you think? How might these tools be useful as we implement the NGSS?

Getting Started in your District

“As-Is” Model Where are we now? “As-Is” Model Where are we now? “To-Be” Model Where do we want to be? “To-Be” Model Where do we want to be? Culture CompetenciesConditions A Model for Change Culture CompetenciesConditions Based on Harvard Change Leadership Group ? What’s the plan to move toward the “To-Be” Model?

Adopting NGSS in your District Instructional Alignment 3 Dimensional Teaching and Learning Curricular Alignment Scope and Sequence When do they learn about volcanoes? Science and Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas

Adopting NGSS in your District Instructional Alignment 3 Dimensional Teaching and Learning Curricular Alignment Scope and Sequence When do they learn about volcanoes? Science and Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas

Some Possible NGSS Readiness Pathways Option 1 NGSS Awareness and Urgency Instructional Alignment Adopt Curricular Materials Curricular Alignment Option 2 NGSS Awareness and Urgency Curricular and Instructional Alignment Instructional Alignment Option 3 NGSS Awareness and Urgency Curricular Alignment in grades K, 3, 6, 9 Curricular Alignment in grades 1, 4, 7, 10 Curricular Alignment in grades 2, 5, 8, 11 Curricular Alignment in grade 12 Instructional Alignment All dates are speculative…

MISD Support for and beyond…

High quality professional learning is… …job-embedded …ongoing and routine …impacts student learning …sustained over time

DRAFT Professional Learning Options at MISD for and Beyond… SeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMay Overview Day 3-D Teaching and Learning Action Research Managing Exploration and Modeling Argument and Explanation Development Science and Engineering Practices with Mathematics Embedding Engineering K Physical Science Grade 1 Physical Science Grade 2 Physical Science Grade 3 Physical Science Grade 4 Physical Science Grade 5 Physical Science Data Analysis Day Evening Learning Showcase: Action Research Projects Displayed

SeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMay Overview Day 3-D Teaching and Learning Action Research Managing Exploration and Modeling Argument and Explanation Development Science and Engineering Practices with Mathematics Embedding Engineering K Physical Science Grade 1 Physical Science Grade 2 Physical Science Grade 3 Physical Science Grade 4 Physical Science Grade 5 Physical Science Data Analysis Day Evening Learning Showcase: Action Research Projects Displayed Example: 3 rd grade teacher registers for Managing Exploration and Modeling

SeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMay Overview Day 3-D Teaching and Learning Action Research Managing Exploration and Modeling Grade 3 Physical Science Data Analysis Day Evening Learning Showcase: Action Research Projects Displayed Example: 3 rd grade teacher registers for Managing Exploration and Modeling 5 Full days and one evening

SeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMay Overview Day 3-D Teaching and Learning Action Research Managing Exploration and Modeling Argument and Explanation Development Science and Engineering Practices with Mathematics Embedding Engineering K Physical Science Grade 1 Physical Science Grade 2 Physical Science Grade 3 Physical Science Grade 4 Physical Science Grade 5 Physical Science Data Analysis Day Evening Learning Showcase: Action Research Projects Displayed Example: 5 th grade teacher registers for Embedding Engineering

SeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMay Overview Day 3-D Teaching and Learning Action Research Embedding Engineering Grade 5 Physical Science Data Analysis Day Evening Learning Showcase: Action Research Projects Displayed Example: 5 th grade teacher registers for Embedding Engineering 5 Full days and one evening

Other MISD Support NGSS Readiness Pathway Development (15-16) Administrator Workshops (15-16) K-5 Content Area Workshops in Life and Earth Science (16-17, ) Middle School Content Area Workshops (16-17)

Getting Started in your District

Activity 9: Exploring Crosscutting Concepts For your crosscutting concept, sort your cards into a developmental progression.

Activity 9: Exploring Crosscutting Concepts What did you notice about the progressions? How does this connect to your current practice? Brainstorm some possible benefits to helping students understand how individual course content is related to crosscutting concepts.

Activity 9: Exploring Crosscutting Concepts When might you use an activity like this one? Pages 81-84

What might you add to your district professional learning plan?


What is most important right now? What additions might you make to your district PD plan? Move to your group and discuss your answers: K-5 teachers 6-12 teachers Building Leadership District Leadership

Calling All Science Leaders!

SEPTEMBER 22, 2014 JANUARY 15, 2015 APRIL 16, :00 – 4:00 PM Science Leadership Council

Paul Drummond Jennifer Gottlieb Mike Klein Questions?