L’Istituto Comprensivo “G. Verga” Fiumefreddo di Sicilia (CT) Sicily – Italy presents: Comenius “Healthy Europe, Happy Europe”
Physical education has got a great importance for the students. They learn not only to take care their body but they increase self- exteem, self-control and the respect of the rules.
…Outdoors Activity…
Young athlets grow up! School Olympic Games
Participation in team sports helps to develope a sense of team spirit amongst the students.
Students, parents and teacher ride bikes…
Meeting with experts and athlets to talk about sport and…
…To let pupils take awareness that a well-balanced and all- round physical education class helps to create responsible adults who know the importance of a healthy lifestyle
So, it is important for them to say: SMOKE DRUGS ALCOHOL NO
Why a teenager starts smoking and drinking or becoming a drug addict? Three of the main reasons are: to look mature to be like their friends to experiment
A great man once said: Thank you for your attention!