Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy Advisor:Lian-Jou Tsai Student:Mu-Ting Huang
Outline Motivation Abstract Introduction Bluetooth o Classic o 3.0+HS o 4.0 o BLE Introduction Zigbee What’s different What’s BLE good for How does BLE work In future Conclusion References
Motivation Study of feasibility for home automation base on Bluetooth 4.0
Abstract Development of home automation in the past have required expensive hardware to support the required protocols, hope this article via Bluetooth 4.0 technology to create a low-cost, highly convenient home automation systems.
Classic Bluetooth 2.0+EDR 、 2.1+EDR 2.4 GHz ISM band, 80 Channel 1~3 Mb/s, <30mA max current Up to 100mW, more than 100m range Used for mobile 、 headphone 、 keyboard…
Bluetooth 3.0+HS Support IEEE PAL Up to 24Mb/s Power control Used for transfer big file
Bluetooth GHz ISM band, 40 Channel 1 Mb/s, <15mA max current ~10mW, 50m range Three mode(Classic 、 High Speed 、 Low Energy) Used for mobile 、 watch 、 sport 、 Home Automation …
BLE It doesn’t support stream. It not optimised for file transfer. It is designed for sending small chunks of data. (like command or state) Small data 、 less transfer time 、 deep sleep 、 low- power…
Zigbee IEEE , 868 / 915 MHz / 2.4GHz 100~200m range 20kb/s~250kb/s Short distance 、 slow speed 、 low-power 、 low cost
What’s different? BLEZigbee Radio Frequency2.4 GHz Range10~100 m10~200 m Data rate1Mb/s250kb/s Time to send data<3ms<10ms Output power1uW~15mW1mW~100mW
What’s BLE good for? BLE is already in PCs or mpbile phones. Zigbee is low power, but BLE is lower. BLE is simple to connecting
How does BLE work? 2.4GHz ISM band 40 Channels on 2MHz spacing
How does BLE work? To broadcast promiscuously To transmit signed data to a previously bonded device To advertise their presence to a device wanting to connect To reconnect asynchronously due to a local event
How does BLE work? Master informs slave of hopping sequence and when to wake All subsequent transactions are performed in the 37 data channels Transactions can be encrypted Both devices can go into deep sleep between transactions.
How does BLE work? 4 active states
How does BLE work? Client Host
Support BLE devices
In future Lock door when I leave home Turn off alarm off I’m already wake up Turn on the light when I walk around the house Control TV
Conclusion Bluetooth 4.0 short distance, low-power, low cost, suitable for a small amount of data transfer can be used for home automation. Automatic notification master slave’s status, more easy to control home appliances situation.
References 傳統 BT 與 BLE 有什麼不一樣? ( ) 陳泰全. " 藍芽系統之省電方式研究與改善." 臺北科技大學 電腦與通訊研究所學位論文 2011 年 (2011): Bluetooth 4.0:Low Energy ( ) Zigbee wiki ( )
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