1 The Recruitment Process in classes
2 How Creative Are You? Find out in an experiment! Principal Investigator: Dr. Victoria Sakhnini Co – Investigator: Dr. Daniel Berry Post Doctoral Fellow School of Computer Science University of Waterloo
3 Goal of My Research To empirically compare the effectiveness of 1.Brainstorming 2.EPMcreate 3.Power-only EPMcreate as innovative creativity fostering techniques.
4 What are Brainstorming, EPMcreate, and Power-only EPMcreate? You will learn one of the three techniques in your experimental session!
5 If you volunteer as a participant in this study You will be asked to use only one of the three creativity fostering techniques to generate some ideas for requirements of some software system. Your participation will consist of 4 phases:
6 Phases 1 & 2 Phase 1 (10 min.): You will sign the Consent Form for participating in the research and then, you will fill in the General Information Form. The information in the General Information Form will be regarded as confidential. Phase 2 (30 min.): You will write the Williams Creativity Test. The goal of the test is to help the investigator to understand the outcomes of the requirement idea generating session.
7 Phases 3 & 4 Phase 3 (30 min.): You will get an explanation about the experiment and the creativity fostering technique which you will use in the requirement idea generating session. Phase 4 (120 min.): You will participate in a session to generate ideas for the software system using your assigned creativity fostering technique. The session will be held in computer lab and you will use MS-Word with which to write your requirement ideas.
8 Confidentiality of Your Data All data collected from you will be regarded as confidential, and you will not be identified either directly or indirectly in either verbal or written reports.
9 This project was reviewed by and has received ethics clearance from the Office of Research Ethics at the University of Waterloo. However, the final decision about participation is yours. You have the right to refuse to participate or to withdraw at any time.
10 How To Say You Are Participating If you are interested in participating, please fill out one of the individual confidential recruitment cards, and I will be in touch with you. Alternatively, you can contact me via the Thank you.
11 Sample of the card Name: _________________________________________ Department: _____________________________________ __________________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________________ Best Days and Times ___________________________