Road Mapping College and Career Readiness Kris Costa Career Pathways Engagement Manager Tulare County Office of Education Articulation Liaison Statewide Career Pathways Project Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
Overview Regional efforts for road mapping college and career readiness Industry Sectors AA-T, AS-T, other model curricula Counselor Toolkit
Regional Efforts Learning Summits – October 27: Marketing College and Career Readiness – December 15: Measuring College and Career Readiness – February 23: The College and Career Readiness Continuum To register:
Career Pathway Alignment College and Career Collaborative Industry Sector Days – November 19: Business and Finance – January 19: Health Science and Med Tech – March 30: Agriculture and Natural Resources – May 10: Manufacturing and Product Dev. Teams create model programs of study – Aligned from grade 7 to 14 – Identify curriculum overlaps and gaps – Discuss potential early college options
Sectors, Pathways & Programs...OH MY! Industry Sectors – 15 as outlined by CA and grouped by commonalities – Knowledge and skills as stated by industry Career Pathways – Knowledge and skills as stated by education – Sequential courses in a program of study Programs of Study…a comprehensive picture – Courses in years 9-14 – Transitional opportunities – Credit by Exam, Articulation, etc – Work Based learning, mentor, job shadows – Concurrent Enrollment and/or Dual Enrollment – Options at the Community College Business Management Financial Services International Business CSU/U C Transfer Certificate/ Degree
What can students do at CC? Certificates – as little as one month – Little to no General Education required – units each Academies: Fire, Police, etc Associate of Arts or Science Degree (AA or AS) – Often 18+ units of major coursework – +/- 20 units of General Education Associate of Arts or Science for Transfer (AA-T or AS-T) – Units for major courses varies – units of General Education UC TAGs – Special major packages for UC transfer students
Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act SB1440 – guaranteed admission to a CSU campus for AA-T/AS-T completors. Limited to 60 units at CC & 60 units at CSU. Students are admitted with junior standing AB 2302 requires that the California Community Colleges work collaboratively with the CSU to inform students and the general public about this new opportunity and encourages the University of California to examine what it would take to join in this new transfer reform effort. Local Degrees that are compliant to the SB1440 are labeled AA-T or AS-T, to indicate that they are “transfer” degrees.
C-ID Courses – Appropriate courses for an associate degree (CCC) and – Preparation for transfer (CSU) “Double-counting” encouraged 60 units total including GE – Common “core” – typically 6 units – Additional courses selected from list (s) – Total 18 units (minimum) – Some courses may be in related fields AA-T or AS-T
Model Curricula (MC) Two types of Model Curriculum (MC) – CCC MC: Intrasegmental Model Curriculum: CCC MC are primarily developed Intrasegmentally (CCC only), but may have some intersegmental participation where appropriate. There is, however, no expectation that MCs are designed or intended for transfer. EXAMPLES: – Certificates and Degrees aligned to industry credentials and certifications in Agriculture – Degree Templates for Local Degree Programs in Information Technology – IS MC: Intersegemental Model Curriculum: IS MC are developed Intersegmentally (CCC/CSU) and could have a transfer component. EXAMPLES: – Engineering and Nursing ISMCs MCs do not fall under the SB 1440 legislative mandates
What is C-ID? Faculty-driven system Assigns numbers to courses C-ID number ties a course to a “descriptor” Developed discipline faculty, reviewed statewide Transferable and Non-Transferable courses. Individual college courses are compared to the minimum requirements set by these descriptors. Any community college course that bears the C-ID supranumber conveys that faculty have determined it meets the published course content, rigor, and student learning outcomes. To Review Descriptors: To identify courses aligned to descriptors: c-
Benefits of C-ID course system One Descriptor – For CSU Articulation – For High School Articulation Common Metric to determine college requirements High Schools can begin with the end in mind.
Program of Study Templates Discipline Faculty convene, Questions to answer: – What is the recommended high school preparation in this discipline? – In what activities should a student engage to be best prepared? – What articulation or dual enrollment opportunities might be included for students to enjoy a non- duplicative program of study? – What are the occupations that are associated with this major area? – Are there any credentials or certifications associated with this program of study?
Benefits of Articulation & Dual Enrollment Students see themselves in college Students start a transcript Students save $ ($46/unit) – 3 unit course = $138, 12 units = $552 State saves $ – CC Savings: $1,449 – CSU Savings: = $3,126 – UC Savings: = $5,607
School Site Access “Administrator” Counselor login – Create customized programs of study – Save for use by all site counselors: Specific to school and pathway All Counselors login – Create student plans from customized templates created by “Administrator” – Create student plans from statewide templates to any community college
The Online Toolkit login Information: – User: ConferenceCounselor – Pass: 1234 – User: ConferenceAdmin – Pass: 1234
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