Information for new students Department of Student Guidance and Welfare Student Guidance and Welfare at Loughborough University Careers Centre Chaplaincy Confide – Harassment Support and Advice Network Counselling Service Disabilities and Additional Needs Service (including Mental Health Support) Imago Services - Student Accommodation Centre International Student Centre/Centre for Additional Learning Support Loughborough Students Advice Medical Centre Wardens/Sub-wardens Service
Information for new students Department of Student Guidance and Welfare Student Guidance and Welfare at Loughborough University Careers Centre Comprehensive Website Help with CVs Job vacancies/Vacation work Information Advice and guidance Module choice / Course change
Information for new students Department of Student Guidance and Welfare Student Guidance and Welfare at Loughborough University Chaplaincy Chaplaincy Centre: confidential help, spiritual direction, prayer, meditation and reflection and links to the Student Faith Groups Christian Prayer and Worship Regular Church of England/Anglican, Roman Catholic and Ecumenical services Muslim Prayer Daily prayers in the James France Building and on Fridays in Victory Hall Other World Faiths Contact the Chaplaincy
Information for new students Department of Student Guidance and Welfare Student Guidance and Welfare at Loughborough University Confide Telephone:
Information for new students Department of Student Guidance and Welfare Student Guidance and Welfare at Loughborough University Counselling Service Talk through any worries, e.g. anxiety, depression, family, suicidal feelings, relationships, homesickness, cultural changes Confidential private talk with a professional counsellor We also offer group counselling, drop-in service and workshops e.g. Confidence Building, Dont Panic, Life Coaching, Anxiety Management, How to stop putting things off
Information for new students Department of Student Guidance and Welfare Student Guidance and Welfare at Loughborough University Disabilities and Additional Needs Service (DANS) Advice and support to all students with disabilities and/or additional needs Assessment for dyslexia Help in applying for Disabled Students Allowance Practical support specific to students with mental health difficulties
Information for new students Department of Student Guidance and Welfare Student Guidance and Welfare at Loughborough University International Student Centre English language and study skills support for international students through classes and individual tutorials International Student Advisers: providing advice on a wide range of issues including immigration advice, police registration and settling in to the UK
Information for new students Department of Student Guidance and Welfare Student Guidance and Welfare at Loughborough University Centre for Additional Learning Support Screening for dyslexia Individual support for students with dyslexia, dyspraxia and other Specific Learning Difficulties Workshops to provide support and develop skills, eg memory techniques, revision skills, exam techniques, careers planning
Information for new students Department of Student Guidance and Welfare Student Guidance and Welfare at Loughborough University Loughborough Students Advice Advice on: Financial/Money issues Housing issues (landlord and tenant rights, contract checking etc) International students issues Academic and disciplinary matters Legal issues (criminal and civil)
Information for new students Department of Student Guidance and Welfare Student Guidance and Welfare at Loughborough University Medical Centre GP Surgery GP and Nurse Appointments Variety of clinics to meet student needs, e.g. travel clinic Have you returned your registration form?
Information for new students Department of Student Guidance and Welfare Student Guidance and Welfare at Loughborough University imago Services Student Accommodation Centre Meeting your needs for Accommodation on and off campus Halls of Residence Private rented accommodation in town
Information for new students Department of Student Guidance and Welfare Student Guidance and Welfare at Loughborough University Wardens/Sub-wardens Service Pastoral support and welfare First point of contact for University queries Live amongst students in halls