Nanonics General SPM The Nanonics SPM Advantage Standard Atomic Force Imaging at the Highest of Resolutions and Quality Coupled with the Unique Advantages of Integrated Microscopy & Unique Sensor Technology The Hallmark of All Nanonics SPM Systems
Nanonics General SPM DNA Imaging With The Nanonics NSOM/SPM-100 System & AFM Glass Probes
Nanonics General SPM Green Monkey Kidney Cells Imaged with Silicon Cantilevers 67.6 micron scan
Nanonics General SPM Green Monkey Kidney Cells Imaged with Silicon Cantilevers 35 micron scan
Nanonics General SPM micron scan 4.69 micron scan Imaging Fibronectin Effusing from Green Monkey Kidney Cells
Nanonics General SPM Gold Beads on Anti-Fibronectin Antibodies on Slide Coated with Fibronectin
Nanonics General SPM Green Monkey Kidney Cells Imaging with Glass NSOM Cantilevers 40 micron scans
Nanonics General SPM Green Monkey Kidney Cells Imaging with Glass NSOM Cantilevers
Nanonics General SPM Imaging Budding Yeast Cells in Physiological Media
Nanonics General SPM Topography & Phase with Silicon Cantilevers
Nanonics General SPM Polymer PMMA Microspheres Atomic force image of the microspheres. The large 70 micron z scanning range of the Nanonics 3D Flat Scanning System and the 100 micron or more tip length of the cantilevered optical fiber allows even large topographic alteration to be readily monitored. The image was obtained with a normal force intermittant contact mode technique.
Nanonics General SPM Polymer PMMA Microspheres AFM Crossection As can be seen the large Z range of the Nanonics 3D Flat Scanner allows us to readily measure the height of these microspheres.
Nanonics General SPM Investigating Deep Trenches & Side Walls The image at the right of a 2 deep and 1 wide silicon trench was obtained with a silicon cantilever. This conventional silicon probe cannot reach the bottom of the trench and the profile obtained reflects a convolution of the tip shape and the feature shape The image at the right of a 10 deep and 2 wide silicon trench was obtained with a tapered glass cantilevered AFM probe. These probes with their long probe tips profile such trenches as effectively as carbon nanotube based probes. However, these glass probes are much more robust and easier and cheaper to obtain. \
Nanonics General SPM Side Wall Imaging Glass probes have their probe tip exposed, unlike silicon cantilever probes in which the probe tip is recessed under a silicon cantilever. As a result glass probes can be placed against a side wall and a Z, X image can be performed. Thus, side wall imaging is readily accomplished with on line viewing in transparently integrated optical microscope or scanning electron microscope.
Nanonics General SPM Multidimensional Functional Imaging AFM Thermal Resistance Conductivity 0 V70 V
Nanonics General SPM Kelvin Probe Characterization of Optoelectronic Semiconductor Materials In the Dark In the Light AFM Cantilevered Fiber Probe Light Induced Kelvin Probe Alterations in Observed Normal Force
Nanonics General SPM Nanoeteching of chrome by dispensing liquid through a cantilevered force sensing nanopipette, a Nanopen TM Middle & right frames recorded through the fully integrated optical microscope during the chemical etching process [Appl. Phys. Lett. 75, 2689 (1999)] Cantilevered nanopipette Nanopens for Liquid and Gas Delivery Including BioMolecule Delivery
Nanonics General SPM G Protein and GFP Deposited with a Nanopen & Imaged with a Glass AFM Cantilever 50 nm AFM of Printed G Protein AFM of Printed GFP NSOM of Printed GFP