Urinary Vocab.
Albuminuria Excess protein in the urine.
Void To empty.
Anuria Complete suppression of excretion by kidneys; absence of urine.
Urination Discharge or passage of urine.
Dialysis Separating particles from a fluid by filtration through a semipermeable membrane.
Urinalysis Physical, chemical or microscopic examination of urine.
Diuresis Increased excretion of urine.
Ureter Tubes that move urine from the kidney to the bladder.
Dysuria Painful or difficult urination.
Pyuria Pus in the urine.
Uria Urea, wastes in the blood.
Glycosuria Presence of sugar in urine.
Polyuria Passage of large amount of urine in given time.
Hematuria Presence of blood in urine.
Oliguria Excretion of diminished amount of urine in relation to fluid intake.
Kidney Basic structural unit of the urinary system.
Micturition Urination.
Word Parts Arteri/o Cyst/o Urin/o Nephr/o Ren/o Peritone/o Hemat/o Olig/o Poly/o Py/o -uria An- Dys- -sis -lysis -uresis
Word Parts KEY Arteri/o: artery Cyst/o: bladder Urin/o: urine Nephr/o: nephron, part of the kidney Ren/o: kidney Peritone/o: peritoneum Hemat/o: blood Olig/o: diminised amount Poly/o: large amount Py/o: pus -uria: urination, urine An -: no, not, without Dys-: abnormal, painful, difficult -sis: abnormal condition, disease -lysis: breakdown -uresis: urination