7. 3. spi. 6. Locate on a map specific lines of longitude and latitude 7.3.spi.6. Locate on a map specific lines of longitude and latitude. (i.e., Prime Meridian, International Date Line, Equator, North and South Poles, Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic Antarctic circles).
Lines of latitude identify locations of specific places on maps.
Five special lines of latitude 1. Equator -widest point of the earth 2. Tropic of Cancer -23 ½ degrees North of Equator 3. Tropic of Capricorn -23 ½ degrees South of Equator
4. Arctic Circle – marks the area around the North Pole where there is no sunlight for at east 24 hours at some point during the year 5. Antarctic Circle -Similarly does the same around the South Pole.
Two special lines of longitude Prime Meridian- 0 degrees and it is important for mapmakers to have the same beginning point. It is located in Greenwich, England It was established so there would be one official measurement. All mapmakers would use this as their starting point verses the location nearest them.
Two special lines of longitude 2. International date line- located mirror opposite prime meridian. When it is midnight here, then it the same date all around the world