Sport and Exercise Psychology Dr Tony Westbury
Sport and Exercise Psychology Sport Psychology – Performance Enhancement Exercise Psychology – Public Health
Training and accreditation for psychologists. British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) – Supervised Experience / Accreditation. British Psychological Society (BPS) – GBR / Chartered Status
My Job Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Psychology BASES Accredited – sport science support. -Support work since 1991 in curling, cricket, chess, fencing, gymnastics, golf, hockey, ice and rock climbing, mountain biking, track and field athletics and RUGBY… -Most of my work for the past 7 years has been in professional Rugby Union. Including an 18 month period as HQ Sport Psychologist with the SRU. -Specialist interest – injury rehab.
Career Flightpath Undergraduate joint honours biology / psychology degree (1984) Graduate Diploma in Psychology (1986) Ph.D in Sport Psychology (registered 1988) Part-time study whilst working. First lecturing job – Newcastle Poly. (1991) Staffordshire University (1992) Nene College ( ) Ph.D completion (1994)
Career Flightpath (longhaul!) Sheffield Hallam University ( ) I moved to SHU on the back of awarding of the UKSA to the city. Napier University present BASES Accreditation 2000 BASES Reaccreditation 2005 BPS Chartered 2008
Observations on my two roles Academia; - Rapidly changing. -Extremely beaurocratic. -Excellence in teaching not as important as research output and income generation. This has implications for sport science. -Stable, well-paid and excellent pension. Holidays arent as good as most people imagine!
Observations on my two roles Sport Psychological Support and Consultancy; -Very challenging in many ways. -Exciting in a way that teaching isnt. -A young persons pursuit?? -Very unpredictable. -You need to have a self-employed persons mindset.
Observations as a BASES supervisor Most sport science graduates dont have enough psychology to be effective sport psychologists. Most sport scientists are in a rush to get accredited. I can confidently report that it I did 10 years of support work before I gave more to my clients than I took from them. The most important part of the training is counselling. It helps to develop a mature philosophy of practice. A fair proportion of aspiring sport psychologists are motivated by a desire to go to the Olympics.
Opportunities Sport Psychology – still limited, much better than Pre1997. Trade-off between security of academia and risk of being self-employed. Exercise Psychology – many more opportunities. A real growth area (excuse the pun!) Opportunities in many sectors of the economy.