The geographic coordinates
Parallels and meridians Are imaginary lines that help us to find the exact location of a place on Earth Are imaginary lines that help us to find the exact location of a place on Earth
Parallels Are imaginary circles running in a east-west direction. The Equator (0º) divides the Earth into two hemispheres: the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. There are 90 parellels between the Equator and each parallels. Are imaginary circles running in a east-west direction. The Equator (0º) divides the Earth into two hemispheres: the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. There are 90 parellels between the Equator and each parallels. Other important parallels, from north to south are: Artic Circle, the Tropic of Cancer, the Tropic of Capricorn and Antarctic Circle. Other important parallels, from north to south are: Artic Circle, the Tropic of Cancer, the Tropic of Capricorn and Antarctic Circle.
Meridians Are imaginary semicircles running in a north-south direction from North Pole to South Pole. The Prime Meridian (0º) is also called the Greenwich meridian. This line divides the Earth into two hemispheres: the western hemisphere and the eastern hemisphere. There are 360 meridians; 180 in each hemisphere. Are imaginary semicircles running in a north-south direction from North Pole to South Pole. The Prime Meridian (0º) is also called the Greenwich meridian. This line divides the Earth into two hemispheres: the western hemisphere and the eastern hemisphere. There are 360 meridians; 180 in each hemisphere.
Latitude and longitude indicate the geographic coordinates of a place. It´s exact location on the Earth´s surface
Latitude Is a distance from a parallel to the Equator: Is a distance from a parallel to the Equator: Latitude can be north (N) or south (S). Latitude can be north (N) or south (S). Parallels show latitude. Parallels show latitude. It measured in degrees (º), minutes (´) and seconds (´´). It measured in degrees (º), minutes (´) and seconds (´´). Its valued go from 0º at the Equator to 90º Its valued go from 0º at the Equator to 90º
Longitude Is a distance from a meridian to the Greenwich meridian: Is a distance from a meridian to the Greenwich meridian: Longitude can be east (E) or west (W). Longitude can be east (E) or west (W). Meridians show longitude. Meridians show longitude. It is measured in degrees (º), minutes (´), and seconds (´´). It is measured in degrees (º), minutes (´), and seconds (´´). Its value go from 0º al the Greenwich meridian to 180º Its value go from 0º al the Greenwich meridian to 180º
Do the exercises 1
In which geographic coordinates can you find these countries?
2 Find the coordinates on the map.
How do we use scale on a map?
Map scale A map is a reduced representation of a real area. Scale imitates the difference between the size of something on a map and its size in the real world. A map is a reduced representation of a real area. Scale imitates the difference between the size of something on a map and its size in the real world.
Scale can be indicate in TWO different ways on a map: NUMERIC SCALE is expressed as a fraction. NUMERIC SCALE is expressed as a fraction. The numerator represents a unit on a map. The numerator represents a unit on a map. The denominator represents its distance in the real world. The denominator represents its distance in the real world. 1 Distance on the map 1 Distance on the map Distance in the real world Distance in the real worldSCALE
In this case, a scale of 1/ means that 1 cm on the map is equal to 200,000 cm on the ground. In this case, a scale of 1/ means that 1 cm on the map is equal to 200,000 cm on the ground. Numeric scale can be written in three ways: Numeric scale can be written in three ways: 1 A B. 1/ C. 1: A B. 1/ C. 1:
Graphic Scale (Bar Scale) This graphic shows the equivalent distance on a bar divided into equal segments, usually 1 cm. This graphic shows the equivalent distance on a bar divided into equal segments, usually 1 cm. The bar looks like a small ruler. The bar looks like a small ruler. The numbers on the bar indicate the actual distance that each segment represents. The numbers on the bar indicate the actual distance that each segment represents. In this case, 1 cm represents 1 kilometer in the real world. In this case, 1 cm represents 1 kilometer in the real world.