MAP READING Latitude and Longitude
LATITUDE Imaginary lines running East/West Measure North/South of the Equator (0 o ) Splits Earth into Northern/Southern hemisphere Called parallels North Pole = 90 o N South Pole = 90 o S Parallels are spaced 111km apart
LONGITUDE Imaginary lines running North/South Measure East/West of the Prime Meridian (0 o ) Prime Meridian = Greenwich, England Splits Earth into Eastern/Western hemisphere Called meridians Numbered 180 o both East and West from Prime Meridian (0 o ) 180 o = International Date Line
PRIME MERIDIAN The Prime Meridian (0 o ) and the International Date Line (180 o ) split the Earth into the Eastern and Western hemisphere Places located East of the Prime Meridian have an Eastern (E) longitude; places located West of the Prime Meridian have a Western (W) longitude.
By combining latitude and longitude, any location can be pinpointed.
A location’s coordinates: ( ____ o N or S, ____ o E or W)
APPLICATION North America is in the Northern Hemisphere because it is North of the Equator. North America is in the Western Hemisphere because it is West of the Prime Meridian.