April 2008 Sport Development Kim Lillie Senior Sport and Leisure Development Officer Presented by Serco Leisure
What is an SDO? START, STAY & SUCCEED IN SPORT Widening participation & access Community engagement Develop & support volunteers Tackling obesity & promoting health Partnership working
Typical Duties Holiday activity programmes Sport courses with links to local clubs (progression routes) Events – Open days / Sport Relief Promotional events – Mela / market stalls / careers fairs etc. Diversionary Activities - Nitewave / Skate / Xtreme Hard to reach groups – Surestart badminton / Asylum seekers Source funding opportunities – EA funding CBC- PESSCL / Coachsteps / AYG
Typical Duties - Admin Line management – Coaches / Holiday activity staff / Volunteers Staff appraisals and training sessions Computer booking system Monthly reports Update website
Partnerships SSPs – PDM / SSCo LA CSP LSA – CSARA SDO Forum NGBs Sport Club AGMs Charnwood Arts
How I got here? A-B grades at GCSE AS and A Levels (Sport Studies) BSc Hons Physical Education and Youth Sport Degree Coaching jobs VOLUNTEERING - Millennium Volunteers (SiS) / Campsite
Rates of Pay SDO Commercial - £14,000 - £18,000 SDO Public - £17,000 - £26,000 SDO Education - £16,000 - £27,000 NGB Development Officer - £18,000 - £20,000
Progression Routes Whats the next step after Serco? Progression routes into different areas (private / commercial / public sectors) PDM - £30,000+ SDO Manager - £25,000+ NGB Regional Manager – £26,000+ Competition Manager - £24,500+
Advice on how to become an SDO? Volunteering experience Variety of NGB Qualifications Degree advisable Familiarity with PESSCL Strategy & Government Agendas Work Placement within a sports development setting
Any Questions?