2006 Annual Results “Strong Investor Confidence, Record Results” Paul Chow Chief Executive, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited 8 March 2007
2 Key Market Statistics
3 Key Market Statistics Since Merger
4 New Records
5 Performance of Mainland Enterprises
6 Financial Highlights
7 Record Profit Since Merger
8 Breakdown of income
9 Investment Income
10 Breakdown of expenses
11 Second and First Half Year Comparison
12 Trading and Clearing Introduce tender service for sale and purchase of Trading Rights Study further Mainland-related and RMB-denominated products Explore new product and service areas Address barriers to securities and derivatives market trading Consult market on Closing Auction in securities market Further enhance the Stock Segregated Account with Statement service (second phase) and the Investor Participant service Introduce Third Party Clearing to strengthen the securities market infrastructure Selected Key Initiatives in 2007
13 Selected Key Initiatives in 2007 (cont’d) Listing Conduct market consultation on proposals for GEM Support SFC/Government in implementing “statutory backing” Facilitate listings by a greater range of overseas issuers Implement the new listed company information dissemination model
14 IT Implement AMS/3 enhancements Implement last phase of network consolidation (AMS/3) Replace and upgrade CCASS/3 Mainframe and Middle-Tier Systems Upgrade HKATS/DCASS to Release 19.x Conduct derivatives market system capacity planning and upgrade Explore consolidation of data centres Review HKEx IT systems for possible efficiency improvement Selected Key Initiatives in 2007 (cont’d)
15 Business Development Continue to organise listing promotion events Continue to provide training programmes for issuers Corporate Review fee structure Work towards consolidation of HKEx offices Strengthen HKEx accountability regime Further develop HKEx MIS – finance and customer Selected Key Initiatives in 2007 (cont’d)
16 Thank you