By Sophi B. Moore
* A giant spark of electricity is lightning * Thunder makes a loud booming noise after lightning strikes. * They are both a part of storms. * In storm clouds, electricity is let loose.
* Storm clouds hold pieces of ice and rain. * The pieces of ice start to move fast. * In the clouds, the movement stirs up electricity. * When the electricity becomes strong, lightning strikes.
* Lightning heating in the air is the sound of thunder. * Thunder and lightning happen at the same time. * But the light travels faster than the sound so you should see the lightning before you hear the sound.
* The lines of lightning are the bolts * Bolts of lightning can be up to a whole 10 miles long! * The bolts come down in a not straight crooked line. * Sometimes the line will break into lots of smaller bolts.
* Bolts of lightning are very hot. * Lightning strikes the high things. * The strike can kill or burn whatever it touches.
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